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Natural and anthropogenic factors controlling the calcareous springs biodiversity (Cracow-Częstochowa Upland, Poland)
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2020.06.007
Dorota Okoń , Agnieszka Błońska , Jacek Różkowski , Agata Z. Wojtal

The thirteen springs of Cracow-Częstochowa Upland were analized in respected of their geological structure, hydrogeology, physical and chemical water conditions, and groundwater pollution. The study of the causes and consequences of land-use and other human induced changes was examined by the estimation of biodiversity and environmental requirements of individual species. The studied biotic variables in spring habitats referred to diatoms (algae), mosses, vascular flora and benthic fauna. The species presence was controlled by both natural and anthropogenic factors. The results showed that the heterogeneity of diatoms, mosses and vascular flora of springs are mainly constrained by physical and chemical water parameters. Among other factors reflecting species requirements (including benthic fauna) in the springs were the mineralogical diversification of bottom sediment, discharge and flow velocity, physical and chemical water parameters and anthropopressure. The most natural springs were large outflows Centuria and Błękitne Źrodła. The springs Pióro and Łączki Kobylańskie are among the most anthropogenically modified springs. Various taxa such as postglacial relict Crenobia alpina were found in selected springs (Pilica-Piaski and Centuria). Tracking changes in springs using hydrogeological monitoring and analysis of related bioindicators is the only valuable method for testing long-term trends in our environment.



考虑到克拉科夫-琴斯托霍瓦山地的十三个泉水的地质结构,水文地质,物理和化学水质状况以及地下水污染,对其进行了分析。通过估计单个物种的生物多样性和环境要求,对土地利用和其他人为改变的原因和后果进行了研究。在春季栖息地中研究的生物变量涉及硅藻(藻类),苔藓,维管植物群和底栖动物群。物种的存在受自然和人为因素的控制。结果表明,泉水硅藻,苔藓和维管植物的异质性主要受物理和化学水参数的制约。反映春季物种需求(包括底栖动物群)的其他因素包括底部沉积物的矿物学多样性,排放和流速,物理​​和化学水参数以及人体压力。最自然的泉水是大型水文丘利亚河和BłękitneŹrodła。Pióro和ŁączkiKobylańskie温泉是最人为修饰的温泉。冰川后遗物等各种分类在选择的泉水(Pilica-Piaski和Centuria)中发现了Crenobia alpina。使用水文地质监测和相关生物指示剂的分析来追踪弹簧的变化是测试我们环境中长期趋势的唯一有价值的方法。
