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Prolonged and variable copulation durations in a promiscuous insect species: no evidence of reproductive benefits for females
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104189
Matthew J Sears 1 , Flavia Barbosa 2 , Jennifer A Hamel 1

Within promiscuous mating systems, copulation often functions as more than a means of fertilization, and copulation durations can vary widely. Copulating for prolonged durations can enhance both female and male reproductive success, but can also result in costs: females of some insect species experience increased fecundity and fertility through male-provided nutrition during prolonged copulations, but also decreased longevity due to male-driven mechanisms. Here, for a common, promiscuous insect species (the squash bug, Anasa tristis), we first describe the range of copulation duration, which spans from 2 minutes to over 23 hours. To investigate whether female A. tristis benefit from prolonged copulation, we next manipulated copulation duration and female diet, and we documented the resulting fecundity, fertility, and longevity of each female. We found no evidence that prolonged copulation durations affect female reproductive success. Females produced fertile eggs after a single 30 minute copulation, and they subsequently produced fertile eggs for an additional 4 weeks. Our findings suggest that females do not benefit from prolonged copulations, that sperm transfer occurs very early during copulations, and that females can store sperm for long durations. Consequently, we suggest that female harassment avoidance and male mate-guarding may explain prolonged copulations in this species.



在混杂的交配系统中,交配通常不仅仅是一种受精手段,而且交配持续时间可能差异很大。延长交配时间可以提高雌性和雄性的繁殖成功率,但也可能导致成本:一些昆虫物种的雌性在长时间交配期间通过雄性提供的营养增加了繁殖力和生育能力,但由于雄性驱动的机制,寿命也会缩短。在这里,对于一种常见的混杂昆虫(壁球虫,Anasa tristis),我们首先描述了交配持续时间的范围,从 2 分钟到超过 23 小时不等。为了研究雌性 A. tristis 是否受益于延长交配,我们接下来操纵了交配持续时间和雌性饮食,并记录了由此产生的每只雌性的繁殖力、生育力和寿命。我们没有发现延长交配时间会影响雌性繁殖成功的证据。雌性在一次 30 分钟的交配后产生受精卵,随后它们又在 4 周内产生受精卵。我们的研究结果表明,雌性不会从长时间的交配中受益,在交配过程中精子转移发生的很早,并且雌性可以长时间储存​​精子。因此,我们建议避免雌性骚扰和保护雄性配偶可以解释该物种的长期交配。精子转移发生在交配的早期,并且雌性可以长时间储存​​精子。因此,我们建议避免雌性骚扰和保护雄性配偶可以解释该物种的长期交配。精子转移发生在交配的早期,并且雌性可以长时间储存​​精子。因此,我们建议避免雌性骚扰和保护雄性配偶可以解释该物种的长期交配。