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The distractor intensity is related to the rightward shift of the response rate distribution in a peak procedure in pigeons
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104190
Erick Barrón 1 , Óscar García-Leal 1 , Héctor O Camarena 1 , Laurent Ávila-Chauvet 1

The expected effect of interrupting the light that signals the to-be-estimated fixed Interval in a peak procedure is a shift rightward of the peak time. Nevertheless, it has not been studied the effect of inserting a distractor using a peak procedure in pigeons. In this experiment, two lights of different intensities were used as distractors (i.e., 10 and 50 luxes). They elapsed for 5 s, during a to-be-estimated interval of 30 s. It was observed an immediate decrease of the response rate as the distractor was inserted and a rightward shift of the response rate distribution, both related to the distractor intensity. Our results support other findings using different species and with different stimuli modalities,suggesting that rats, mice, and pigeons could share a common timing mechanism. Timing is referred to the ability to estimate when a relevant event will occur. Peak trials interspersed with fixed-interval trials are frequently used to study timing (Catania, 1970). In fixed-interval trials, the reward is available after a fixed time elapses, and once a response occurs. Typically, the response rate increases as the time to the reward availability approaches. Peak trials are longer than fixed-interval trials, but now the reward is never delivered. Thus, peak trials allow knowing how the response rate changes across the interval trained and further, when the reward is not delivered. After multiple peak trials, peak time will be estimated as the second with the highest response rate.



在峰值过程中中断表示待估计的固定间隔的光的预期效果是峰值时间的右移。然而,还没有研究在鸽子中使用峰值程序插入干扰器的效果。在这个实验中,两种不同强度的光被用作干扰物(即 10 和 50 勒克斯)。在 30 秒的待估计间隔期间,它们持续了 5 秒。当插入干扰物时观察到响应率立即下降,响应率分布向右移动,两者都与干扰物强度有关。我们的结果支持使用不同物种和不同刺激方式的其他发现,表明大鼠、小鼠和鸽子可以共享一个共同的计时机制。时间是指估计相关事件何时发生的能力。穿插固定间隔试验的峰值试验经常用于研究时间(Catania,1970)。在固定时间间隔试验中,经过固定时间后,一旦出现响应,即可获得奖励。通常,响应率随着奖励可用性时间的临近而增加。峰值试验比固定间隔试验更长,但现在奖励永远不会交付。因此,峰值试验允许了解响应率如何在训练的间隔内发生变化,并且在没有提供奖励时更进一步。在多次峰值试验后,峰值时间将被估计为响应率最高的第二个。奖励在固定时间过去后可用,并且一旦发生响应。通常,响应率随着奖励可用性时间的临近而增加。峰值试验比固定间隔试验更长,但现在奖励永远不会交付。因此,峰值试验允许了解响应率如何在训练的间隔内发生变化,并且在没有提供奖励时更进一步。在多次峰值试验后,峰值时间将被估计为响应率最高的第二个。奖励在固定时间过去后可用,并且一旦发生响应。通常,响应率随着奖励可用性时间的临近而增加。峰值试验比固定间隔试验更长,但现在奖励永远不会交付。因此,峰值试验允许了解响应率如何在训练的间隔内发生变化,并且在没有提供奖励时更进一步。在多次峰值试验后,峰值时间将被估计为响应率最高的第二个。峰值试验允许了解响应率如何在训练的间隔内发生变化,并且在未提供奖励时更进一步。在多次峰值试验后,峰值时间将被估计为响应率最高的第二个。峰值试验允许了解响应率如何在训练的间隔内发生变化,并且在未提供奖励时更进一步。在多次峰值试验后,峰值时间将被估计为响应率最高的第二个。