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The Selection of Ribes nigrum L. and Grossularia reclinata Mill. Based on Distant Hybridization
Erwerbs-Obstbau ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10341-020-00513-x
Igor Eduardovich Butchenkov , Mehmet Musa Özcan

In this study, 1921 flower were pollinated, 484 hybrid seeds were sown, of which 41 plants were cultivated only on 6 crossing combinations. The analysis of the formed hybrid fruits and seeds of Gr. reclinata×R. nigrum showed that the fruit weight varies between 3.5–4.5 gr, the shape is round-oval, the diameter is more than 20 mm, and the color is maroon. The number of seeds per berry varies from 6 to 19. Germination of hybrid seeds is low (7.9–8.3%). Their germination is not even. In the crosses, R. nigrum×Gr. reclinata formed round, black fruits, weighing up to 1.7 gr. The number of seeds per fruit ranges from 8 to 34. Seed germination is low—from 25.6 to 29.6%. Black currant hybrids Gr. reclinata × R. nigrum inherited partial pubescence of rhachis of flower raceme, matte surface of lamina, and smooth ovary; the cylindrical shape of hypanthium and pubescence on the stile of pistil are inherited from gooseberries. The problems of the use of distant hybridization in the selection of black currants and gooseberries are considered. The hybrids of R. nigrum × Gr. reclinata are obtained. It is found out that reciprocal amphihaploids differ from the original parental forms. Stable infertility does not allow using them with practical purposes.



在这项研究中,对1921年的花进行了授粉,播种了484个杂种种子,其中41种植物仅在6个杂交组合上才能种植。形成的杂种Gr。的 种子的分析reclinata × R. nigrum表明,果实重量在3.5–4.5 gr之间变化,形状为椭圆形,直径大于20 mm,颜色为栗色。每个浆果的种子数从6到19不等。杂种种子的发芽率低(7.9–8.3%)。它们的发芽还不均匀。在十字架上,R。nigrum × Gr。reclinata形成圆形的黑色果实,重达1.7克。每个水果的种子数量在8到34之间。种子发芽率低,从25.6到29.6%。黑加仑杂种Gr。躺椅 × R. nigrum遗传了总状花序的总状花序的部分短柔毛,层状的无光泽表面和光滑的子房。托瓶的圆柱状和雌蕊的短柔毛都来自醋栗。考虑了在选择黑加仑子和醋栗中使用远距离杂交的问题。R. nigrum  ×  Gr。的杂种获得Reclinata。发现相互的两亲性与原始的亲本形式不同。稳定的不育症不允许将其用于实际目的。
