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Fertility and 305-day production of Viking Red-, Montbéliarde-, and Holstein-sired crossbred cows compared with Holstein cows during their first 3 lactations in Minnesota dairy herds.
Journal of Dairy Science ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.3168/jds.2020-18196
A R Hazel 1 , B J Heins 1 , L B Hansen 1

Three generations of crossbred cows from a 3-breed rotation of the Viking Red (VR), Montbéliarde (MO), and Holstein (HO) breeds were compared with HO herdmates in 7 high-performance, commercial dairy herds in Minnesota. The designed study was initiated in 2008 with the enrollment of 3,550 HO females. Sires of cows were proven artificial insemination bulls and were high-ranking for genetic merit within each of the VR, MO, and HO breeds. The first generation of cows calved a first time from 2010 to 2017 and consisted of 644 VR × HO and 616 MO × HO 2-breed crossbreds and their 1,405 HO herdmates. The second generation calved a first time from 2012 to 2017 and consisted of 615 VR × MO/HO and 568 MO × VR/HO crossbreds and their 1,462 HO herdmates. The third generation calved a first time from 2014 to 2017 and was composed of 466 HO × VR/MO/HO and HO × MO/VR/HO crossbreds combined and their 736 HO herdmates. Collection of data ceased on December 31, 2017, and for the duration of study, many of the 2-breed and 3-breed crossbreds and their HO herdmates had the opportunity to complete at least 3 lactations, whereas the HO-sired crossbreds and their HO herdmates had the opportunity to complete 1 lactation. The 305-d actual (not mature equivalent) production of milk, fat, and protein was estimated from test-day observations with best prediction and cows with <305 DIM were projected to 305 d. The 2-breed and 3-breed crossbred cows had superiority over their HO herdmates for all of the fertility traits measured. The 2-breed crossbreds had −9, −17, and −15 d fewer days open than their HO herdmates during first, second, and third lactation, respectively. Also, the 3-breed crossbreds had −15, −19, and −20 d fewer days open than their HO herdmates during first, second, and third lactation, respectively. Cows in these herds had young ages at first calving of 22 to 23 mo across the breed groups, and the 3-breed crossbreds had significantly younger ages at first, second, and third calving than their HO herdmates. The 2-breed crossbreds had +2% higher fat plus protein production (kg) during first lactation, but did not differ during second and third lactation, from their HO herdmates. The 3-breed crossbreds had −3% to −4% lower fat plus protein production (kg) than their HO herdmates in each of their first 3 lactations. During first lactation, the HO-sired crossbreds did not differ for fat plus protein production (kg) from their HO herdmates.



在明尼苏达州的7个高性能商品奶牛场中,将3种维京红(VR),蒙贝利亚德(MO)和荷斯坦(HO)品种的三代杂交奶牛与HO牧民进行了比较。设计的研究始于2008年,招募了3,550名HO女性。奶牛的公牛经证实是人工授精的公牛,在VR,MO和HO品种中,其遗传价值都很高。从2010年到2017年,第一代母牛首次产犊,由644个VR×HO和616 MO×HO 2头杂交种及其1,405个HO的后代组成。第二代从2012年到2017年首次产犊,由615个VR×MO / HO和568个MO×VR / HO杂种及其1,462个HO的后代组成。第三代是从2014年到2017年首次产下的,由466 HO×VR / MO / HO和HO×MO / VR / HO杂种及其736 HO后代组成。数据收集于2017年12月31日停止,在研究期间,许多2系和3系杂种及其HO直系亲属有机会完成至少3次泌乳,而HO系杂交的杂种及其HO众生有机会完成1次哺乳。305天实际(未成熟的当量)牛奶,脂肪和蛋白质的生产是根据对测试日的观察得出的,具有最佳的预测能力,而<305 DIM的母牛预计将达到305 d。在所有测得的生育性状上,两育种和三育种杂种母牛都比其HO群牛优越。2个杂种的杂交分数为-9,-17 第一次哺乳,第二次哺乳和第三次哺乳期间,它们的HO开放日分别比第15天和第-15天少。同样,在第一次,第二次和第三次泌乳期间,三头杂交杂种的开放天数分别比其HO亲本少-15天,-19天和-20天。这些牛群中的母牛在各个品种组的初产犊年龄为22至23个月,而三头杂交杂种的初,二,三等犊牛的年龄要比其HO群的年轻。两头杂种的第一次泌乳期脂肪和蛋白质产量(kg)增加了+ 2%,但在第二和第三次泌乳期与HO的后代没有差异。在最初的3次哺乳中,这3个杂种的脂肪加蛋白质产量(kg)降低了-3%至-4%。第一次哺乳期间
