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Continent-wide Shifts in Song Dialects of White-Throated Sparrows.
Current Biology ( IF 9.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.05.084
Ken A Otter 1 , Alexandra Mckenna 1 , Stefanie E LaZerte 2 , Scott M Ramsay 3

Hypotheses on regional song variation (“dialects”) assume that dialects remain stable within regions, are distinct between regions, and persist within populations over extensive periods [1, 2, 3]. Theories to explain dialects focus on mechanisms that promote persistence of regional song variants despite gene flow between regions [4, 5, 6], such as juveniles settling in non-natal populations retaining only those songs from their repertoires that match neighbors [7, 8]. It would be considered atypical for a novel song variant to invade and replace the established regional variant. Yet some studies have reported song variants shifting rapidly over time within populations [9, 10, 11]. White-throated sparrows, Zonotrichia albicolis, for example, traditionally sing a whistled song terminating in a repeated triplet of notes [12], which was the ubiquitous variant in surveys across Canada in the 1960s [13]. However, doublet-ending songs emerged and replaced triplet-ending songs west of the Rocky Mountains sometime between 1960 and 2000 [11] and appeared just east of the Rockies in the 2000s [14]. From recordings collected over two decades across North America, we show that doublet-ending song has now spread at a continental scale. Using geolocator tracking, we confirm that birds from western Canada, where doublet-ending songs originated, overwinter with birds from central Canada, where the song initially spread. This suggests a potential mechanism for spread through song tutoring on wintering grounds. Where the new song variant has spread, it rose from a rare variant to the sole, regional song type, as predicted by the indirect biased transmission hypothesis [10].

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关于地区歌曲变异(“方言”)的假设假设方言在地区内保持稳定,在地区之间是不同的,并且在人群中长期存在 [1, 2, 3]。解释方言的理论侧重于促进区域歌曲变异持续存在的机制,尽管基因在区域之间流动 [4, 5, 6],例如定居在非出生人口中的少年只保留与邻居匹配的曲目中的歌曲 [7, 8] ]。新的歌曲变体侵入并取代已建立的区域变体将被认为是非典型的。然而,一些研究报告称,歌曲变体在人群中随时间迅速变化 [9, 10, 11]。白喉麻雀,Zonotrichia albicolis例如,传统上唱吹口哨的歌曲以重复的三连音 [12] 结尾,这是 1960 年代加拿大各地调查中普遍存在的变体 [13]。然而,在 1960 年至 2000 年之间的某个时候,双重结尾歌曲出现并取代了落基山脉以西的三重结尾歌曲 [11],并在 2000 年代出现在落基山脉以东 [14]。从二十多年来在北美收集的录音中,我们表明双音结尾歌曲现在已经在大陆范围内传播。使用地理定位器跟踪,我们确认来自加拿大西部的鸟类,双联结束歌曲的起源地,与来自加拿大中部的鸟类一起越冬,这首歌最初是在那里传播的。这表明在越冬地通过歌曲辅导传播的潜在机制。新歌变种传播的地方,


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