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Sensor based disease detection: A case study using accelerometers to recognize symptoms of Bovine Ephemeral Fever
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105605
Colin Tobin , Derek W. Bailey , Mark G. Trotter , Lauren O'Connor

Abstract Bovine Ephemeral Fever affects livestock across Africa, Asia, and Australia with symptoms of fever, lameness, and inappetence. Currently, cattle producers must visually observe symptoms to detect Bovine Ephemeral Fever. The aim of this study is to determine the potential for accelerometer sensors deployed on the animal to identify when cattle are becoming ill with Bovine Ephemeral Fever. Two of 8 heifers fitted with 3-axis accelerometers became ill and were diagnosed with Bovine Ephemeral Fever by a veterinarian. Movement intensity was calculated from the x, y, z axes of the accelerometer readings recorded at 25 Hz and then averaged into 1-hour epochs. Accelerometer data from the two heifers that became ill were compared to three different sets of two randomly selected healthy heifers 2 days before and during the 24-hours before the onset of visually observable symptoms. Movement intensity of diagnosed heifers was lower (P ≤ 0.01) during the 24-hours before the symptoms were observed compared control heifers and levels observed 2 days before diagnosis. Accelerometers provided a clear signal that heifers were becoming ill before symptoms were observed by the manager and before diagnosis by a veterinarian. This case study shows that on-animal accelerometer sensors have the potential to remotely detect a disease such as Bovine Ephemeral Fever.



摘要 牛短暂热影响非洲、亚洲和澳大利亚的牲畜,表现为发烧、跛行和食欲不振。目前,养牛者必须目视观察症状以检测牛短暂热。这项研究的目的是确定部署在动物身上的加速度计传感器的潜力,以确定牛何时患上牛短暂热病。装有 3 轴加速度计的 8 头小母牛中有 2 头生病,并被兽医诊断出患有短暂性牛瘟。运动强度是根据以 25 Hz 记录的加速度计读数的 x、y、z 轴计算的,然后平均为 1 小时的历元。在视觉上可观察到的症状出现前 2 天和前 24 小时内,将来自生病的两只小母牛的加速度计数据与三组不同的随机选择的两只健康小母牛进行比较。与对照小母牛和诊断前 2 天观察到的水平相比,在观察到症状前的 24 小时内,诊断出的小母牛的运动强度较低(P ≤ 0.01)。加速度计提供了一个明确的信号,表明小母牛在经理观察到症状之前和兽医诊断之前就生病了。该案例研究表明,动物身上的加速度计传感器有可能远程检测诸如牛短暂热之类的疾病。01) 在观察症状前 24 小时内,比较对照小母牛和诊断前 2 天观察到的水平。加速度计提供了一个明确的信号,表明小母牛在经理观察到症状之前和兽医诊断之前就生病了。该案例研究表明,动物身上的加速度计传感器有可能远程检测诸如牛短暂热之类的疾病。01) 在观察症状前 24 小时内,比较对照小母牛和诊断前 2 天观察到的水平。加速度计提供了一个明确的信号,表明小母牛在经理观察到症状之前和兽医诊断之前就生病了。该案例研究表明,动物身上的加速度计传感器有可能远程检测诸如牛短暂热之类的疾病。