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First Toothless Platanistoid from the Early Miocene of Patagonia: the Golden Age of Diversification of the Odontoceti
Journal of Mammalian Evolution ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10914-020-09505-w
Mariana Viglino , C. Maximiliano Gaetán , José I. Cuitiño , Mónica R. Buono

Lower Miocene outcrops from Patagonia (Gaiman Formation, Burdigalian) may reveal more clues for the yet unknown aspects for this period in the evolution of odontocetes. Here, we present the first toothless platanistoid dolphin from the lower Miocene of Patagonia, Dolgopolis kinchikafiforo , gen. et sp. nov. The specimen includes an incomplete skull, with no mandibles or earbones, but sufficiently different from other named odontocetes to propose a new genus and species. Phylogenetic analyses indicate it is a platanistoid of uncertain position within the group, and that it shares some homoplastic characters with physeteroids and ziphioids. Given the absence of defined alveoli and teeth and an inferred moderately short and wide rostrum, we interpreted this new species as most likely a capture suction feeder. Based on our phylogenetic hypothesis, the optimization of feeding strategies recovered raptorial feeding as the plesiomorphic method, and convergent evolution of capture suction feeders in at least four lineages. Platanistoids recorded all feeding strategies during the late Oligocene-early Miocene, although raptorial is the predominant method. This suggests a partitioning of the ecological niches in the early phases of platanistoid evolution, as well as a high diversification of feeding methods previously underestimated for this period. Thus, ecological adaptations have a strong evolutionary pressure in odontocete communities and should be further explored.


巴塔哥尼亚早中新世的第一个无牙 Platanistoid:Odontoceti 多样化的黄金时代

巴塔哥尼亚(Gaiman Formation, Burdigalian)的下中新世露头可能会为齿鲸目进化过程中这一时期尚不为人知的方面揭示更多线索。在这里,我们展示了来自巴塔哥尼亚下中新世的第一只无牙白海豚,Dolgopolis kinchikafiforo,gen。等 sp. 十一月 该标本包括一个不完整的头骨,没有下颌骨或耳骨,但与其他命名的齿鲸有很大不同,可以提出一个新的属和种。系统发育分析表明它是一种在群体中位置不确定的植物纲动物,并且它与植物类植物和拉链类植物具有一些同质性特征。鉴于没有明确的肺泡和牙齿以及推断的适度短而宽的讲台,我们将这个新物种解释为最有可能的捕获吸食者。根据我们的系统发育假设,饲养策略的优化恢复了猛禽饲养作为拟态方法,以及至少四个谱系中捕获吸食者的收敛进化。Platanistoids 记录了渐新世晚期 - 中新世早期的所有摄食策略,尽管 raptorial 是主要方法。这表明在拟南芥进化的早期阶段对生态位进行了划分,以及此前在这一时期被低估的饲养方法的高度多样化。因此,生态适应在齿科动物群落中具有很强的进化压力,应进一步探索。Platanistoids 记录了渐新世晚期 - 中新世早期的所有摄食策略,尽管 raptorial 是主要方法。这表明在拟南芥进化的早期阶段对生态位进行了划分,以及此前在这一时期被低估的饲养方法的高度多样化。因此,生态适应在齿科动物群落中具有很强的进化压力,应进一步探索。Platanistoids 记录了渐新世晚期 - 中新世早期的所有摄食策略,尽管 raptorial 是主要方法。这表明在拟南芥进化的早期阶段对生态位进行了划分,以及此前在这一时期被低估的饲养方法的高度多样化。因此,生态适应在齿科动物群落中具有很强的进化压力,应进一步探索。