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Metrological basis for assessing the state of the active surface of abrasive tools based on parameters characterizing their machining potential
Measurement ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108068
Wojciech Kacalak , Dariusz Lipiński , Filip Szafraniec , Anna Zawada-Tomkiewicz , Katarzyna Tandecka , Grzegorz Królczyk

This paper presents a methodology for assessing the state of the active surface of abrasive tools using new parameters that characterize their machining potential. The new parameters were defined in consideration of the features of abrasive tools, which resulted from the variability of the arrangement of the ridges of abrasive grains and the diversity of their shape and orientation. A detailed analysis was performed to determine the impact of the protrusion, sharpness, and cutting edge orientation of abrasive grains on the value of two new assessment parameters: the surface indicator of height and sharpness of protrusions (Shs) and the surface indicator of height, orientation, and sharpness of protrusions (Shos). Based on the experimental results, the state of the active surface of abrasive tools was analyzed using topography parameters in accordance with ISO 25178-2 (ISO 25178-2:2012, 2012) and the new assessment parameters. The new parameters enabled the characterization of the machining potential of active grains.



本文介绍了一种使用新参数来评估磨具活动表面状态的方法,该参数表征了它们的加工潜力。考虑到磨具的特征来定义新的参数,这是由磨粒脊的排列的可变性及其形状和方向的多样性引起的。进行了详细的分析,以确定磨粒的突起,锋利度和切削刃方向对两个新评估参数的值的影响:两个参数:高度和突起锐度的表面指示器(Shs)以及高度的表面指示器,突起的方向和清晰度(Shos)。根据实验结果,根据ISO 25178-2(ISO 25178-2:2012,2012)和新的评估参数,使用形貌参数分析磨具的活动表面状态。新的参数可以表征活性晶粒的加工潜力。
