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Detection, assessment and mitigation of vulnerabilities in open source dependencies
Empirical Software Engineering ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10664-020-09830-x
Serena Elisa Ponta , Henrik Plate , Antonino Sabetta

Open source software (OSS) libraries are widely used in the industry to speed up the development of software products. However, these libraries are subject to an ever-increasing number of vulnerabilities that are publicly disclosed. It is thus crucial for application developers to detect dependencies on vulnerable libraries in a timely manner, to precisely assess their impact, and to mitigate any potential risk. This paper presents a novel method to detect, assess and mitigate OSS vulnerabilities. Differently from state-of-the-art approaches that depend on metadata to identify vulnerable OSS dependencies, our solution is code-centric, and combines static and dynamic analyses to determine the reachability of the vulnerable portion of libraries, in the context of a given application. Our approach also supports developers in choosing among the existing non-vulnerable library versions, with the goal to determine and minimize incompatibilities. Eclipse Steady , the open source implementation of our code-centric and usage-based approach is the tool recommended to scan Java software products at SAP; it has been successfully used to perform more than one million scans of about 1500 applications. In this paper we report on the lessons learned when maturing the tool from a research prototype to an industrial-grade solution. To evaluate Eclipse Steady , we conducted an empirical study to compare its detection capabilities with those of OWASP Dependency Check ( OWASP DC ), scanning 300 large enterprise applications under development with a total of 78165 dependencies. Reviewing a sample of the findings reported only by one of the two tools revealed that all Steady findings are true positives, while 88.8% of the findings of OWASP DC for vulnerabilities covered by our code-centric approach are false positives. For vulnerabilities not caused by code but due, e.g., to erroneous configuration, 63.3% of OWASP DC findings are true positives.



开源软件(OSS)库在业界被广泛使用,以加快软件产品的开发。但是,这些库受到越来越多公开披露的漏洞的影响。因此,对于应用程序开发人员而言,及时检测对易受攻击的库的依赖关系、准确评估其影响并降低任何潜在风险至关重要。本文提出了一种检测、评估和缓解 OSS 漏洞的新方法。与依赖元数据来识别易受攻击的 OSS 依赖项的最新方法不同,我们的解决方案以代码为中心,并结合静态和动态分析来确定库中易受攻击部分的可达性,在给定的上下文中应用。我们的方法还支持开发人员在现有的无漏洞库版本中进行选择,目的是确定和最小化不兼容性。Eclipse Steady ,我们以代码为中心和基于使用的方法的开源实现是推荐在 SAP 扫描 Java 软件产品的工具;它已成功用于对大约 1500 个应用程序执行超过一百万次的扫描。在本文中,我们报告了从研究原型到工业级解决方案的成熟工具的经验教训。为了评估 Eclipse Steady,我们进行了一项实证研究,将其检测能力与 OWASP Dependency Check ( OWASP DC ) 的检测能力进行比较,扫描了 300 个正在开发的大型企业应用程序,共 78165 个依赖项。审查仅由两个工具之一报告的调查结果样本显示,所有 Steady 调查结果都是真阳性,而 OWASP DC 对我们以代码为中心的方法所涵盖的漏洞的调查结果中有 88.8% 是假阳性。对于不是由代码引起但由于例如错误配置引起的漏洞,OWASP DC 调查结果的 63.3% 为真阳性。