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Natassa Ailamaki Speaks Out on How to be a Systems Researcher and How to Manage a Large Research Group
ACM SIGMOD Record ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1145/3385658.3385666
Marianne Winslett 1 , Vanessa Braganholo 2

Welcome to ACM SIGMOD Record's series of interviews with distinguished members of the database community. I'm Marianne Winslett, and today we're at the 2017 SIGMOD and PODS conference in Chicago. I have here with me Anastasia Ailamaki, who's a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, better known as EPFL. Before that, Natassa was a professor at Carnegie Mellon. She's an ACM Fellow, a Sloan Fellow, and received the European Young Investigator Award, as well as ten Best Paper awards. After this interview, she received the Edgar F. Codd Innovation Award from the ACM SIGMOD in 2019, and the Nemitsas Prize in Computer Science from the President of the Republic of Cyprus in 2018. Her Ph.D. is from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. So, Natassa, welcome!


Natassa Ailamaki 讲述如何成为一名系统研究员以及如何管理一个大型研究小组

欢迎来到 ACM SIGMOD Record 对数据库社区杰出成员的系列采访。我是 Marianne Winslett,今天我们参加了在芝加哥举行的 2017 年 SIGMOD 和 PODS 会议。我有阿纳斯塔西娅·艾拉马基(Anastasia Ailamaki),他是瑞士联邦理工学院(也就是 EPFL)的教授。在此之前,娜塔莎是卡内基梅隆大学的教授。她是 ACM Fellow、Sloan Fellow,并获得了欧洲青年研究员奖和十项最佳论文奖。此次采访后,她获得了 2019 年 ACM SIGMOD 的 Edgar F. Codd 创新奖,以及 2018 年塞浦路斯共和国总统授予的 Nemitsas 计算机科学奖。来自威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校。所以,娜塔莎,欢迎!