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An Open Platform to Teach How the Internet Practically Works
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1145/3402413.3402420
Thomas Holterbach 1 , Tobias Bü 1 , Tino Rellstab 1 , Laurent Vanbever 1

Each year at ETH Zurich, around 100 students collectively build and operate their very own Internet infrastructure composed of hundreds of routers and dozens of Autonomous Systems (ASes). Their goal? Enabling Internet-wide connectivity. AB@We find this class-wide project to be invaluable in teaching our students how the Internet infrastructure practically works. Among others, our students have a much deeper understanding of Internet operations alongside their pitfalls. Besides students tend to love the project: clearly the fact that all of them need to cooperate for the entire Internet to work is empowering. AB@In this paper, we describe the overall design of our teaching platform, how we use it, and interesting lessons we have learnt over the years. We also make our platform openly available.



每年在苏黎世联邦理工学院,大约 100 名学生共同构建和运营他们自己的互联网基础设施,该基础设施由数百个路由器和数十个自治系统 (AS) 组成。他们的目标?启用互联网范围的连接。AB@我们发现这个全班项目对于教我们的学生互联网基础设施如何实际工作非常宝贵。其中,我们的学生对互联网运营及其陷阱有更深入的了解。此外,学生们往往喜欢这个项目:很明显,他们所有人都需要合作才能让整个互联网工作,这一点很重要。AB@在本文中,我们描述了我们教学平台的整体设计、我们如何使用它,以及我们多年来学到的有趣的经验教训。我们还公开我们的平台。