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Diurnal raptors of West Africa woodland-farmland mosaics: Data from walking-transects in eastern Guinea-Bissau
Avian Biology Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.1177/1758155920901424
Patrícia Rodrigues 1, 2 , Marco Mirinha 3 , Luís Palma 2

Guinea-Bissau is a small country in West Africa, which in spite of its rich biodiversity and the high proportion of protected areas remains under-surveyed in relation to most animal groups, including raptors. The first scientific articles about raptors were only very recently issued. Here, we report raptor occurrence data from eastern Guinea-Bissau. Raptors were surveyed in the dry season along transects walked around 21 villages in a rural woodland-farmland mosaic landscape. The raptor assemblage is composed of 25 species of which the hooded vulture, the lizard buzzard and the African harrier-hawk were the species more often encountered, followed by the African white-backed vulture. The palm-nut vulture, black kite, brown snake-eagle, grasshopper buzzard, African hawk-eagle, grey kestrel and lanner falcon were secondary, although not uncommon species. The remaining species were seldom recorded. The study complements previous knowledge on this bird group, specifically in the central-eastern part of the country, and reaffirms the international relevance of Guinea-Bissau for the conservation of the hooded and African white-backed vultures.



几内亚比绍是西非的一个小国,尽管拥有丰富的生物多样性和高比例的保护区,但与包括猛禽在内的大多数动物群体相关的调查仍然不足。第一篇关于猛禽的科学文章是最近才发表的。在这里,我们报告了几内亚比绍东部的猛禽发生数据。猛禽在旱季沿横断面进行了调查,它们在农村林地 - 农田马赛克景观中的 21 个村庄周围行走。猛禽组合由 25 种组成,其中头雕、蜥蜴秃鹰和非洲鹞鹰是最常遇到的物种,其次是非洲白背秃鹰。棕榈秃鹫、黑鸢、棕蛇鹰、蚱蜢秃鹰、非洲鹰鹰、灰隼和兰纳猎鹰是次要的,虽然不是罕见的物种。其余物种很少被记录。该研究补充了先前对该鸟类群体的了解,特别是在该国中东部地区,并重申了几内亚比绍在保护头雕和非洲白背秃鹰方面的国际意义。