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Product development process for IoT-ready products
Concurrent Engineering ( IF 2.118 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1063293x20932618
Brian Prasad

Many definitions of IoT exist, since a universal definition has not been created yet. IoT definition: ‘‘IoT is the next generation of the Internet. It is a global system of IP-connected computer networks, sensors, actuators, machines, and devices’’ (Bosch Corporation, 2014). IoT definition: ‘‘In what’s called the Internet of Things, sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects—from roadways to pacemakers—are linked through wired and wireless networks, often using the same Internet Protocol (IP) that connects the Internet’’ (McKinsey & Company, 2010). IoT definition: ‘‘IoT refers to the networked interconnection of everyday objects, which are often equipped with ubiquitous intelligence. IoT will increase the ubiquity of the Internet by integrating every object for interaction via embedded systems, which lead to a highly distributed network of devices communicating with human beings as well as other devices’’ (Xia et al., 2012). At the core of the Internet of Things lays the smart product—equipped with RFID technology.



物联网的许多定义存在,因为尚未创建通用定义。物联网定义:“物联网是下一代互联网。它是一个由 IP 连接的计算机网络、传感器、执行器、机器和设备组成的全球系统”(博世公司,2014 年)。物联网定义:“在所谓的物联网中,嵌入物理对象(从道路到起搏器)中的传感器和执行器通过有线和无线网络连接,通常使用连接互联网的相同互联网协议 (IP)”(麦肯锡公司,2010 年)。物联网定义:“物联网是指日常物品的网络互连,这些物品往往配备了无处不在的智能。物联网将通过嵌入式系统集成每个对象进行交互,从而增加互联网的普遍性,这导致高度分布式的设备网络与人类以及其他设备进行通信”(Xia 等,2012)。物联网的核心是智能产品——配备RFID技术。