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Which geomorphic processes can be informed by luminescence measurements?
Geomorphology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107296
N.D. Brown

Abstract Luminescence signals from quartz and feldspar contain a wealth of information about exposure to heat and sunlight. While many studies have focused on quantifying individual processes such as grain transport and burial, cooling during exhumation, or bleaching of freshly exposed rock surfaces, not much work has yet been done to illustrate how these effects might interact. For example, how might a geologist/geomorphologist interpret the luminescence signals within a riverine cobble or within a recent rockfall from an uplifting terrain? This study attempts to address this issue by first presenting a simple kinetic expression for OSL signal accumulation in response to background radiation, and OSL loss by exposure to heat or to direct or attenuated sunlight. This model is then used to simulate three example sample histories. Simulation results demonstrate how much information can be embedded within one sample's luminescence signal and how disparate geomorphic histories can produce strikingly similar signals. The temperatures and timescales which can be examined with luminescence signals are presented in comparison to those of various geomorphic processes. Finally, simulation results illustrate the benefit of using signals of different stability to better understand a sample's recent geologic history.



摘要 石英和长石的发光信号包含大量关于暴露于热和阳光下的信息。虽然许多研究都集中在量化单个过程,例如谷物运输和埋藏、挖掘过程中的冷却或新暴露的岩石表面的漂白,但尚未做太多工作来说明这些影响如何相互作用。例如,地质学家/地貌学家如何解释河流鹅卵石中或最近从隆起地形落下的岩石中的发光信号?本研究试图通过首先提出响应背景辐射的 OSL 信号积累的简单动力学表达式来解决这个问题,以及暴露于热或直射或减弱的阳光下的 OSL 损失。然后使用该模型来模拟三个示例样本历史。模拟结果展示了一个样本的发光信号中可以嵌入多少信息,以及不同的地貌历史如何产生惊人相似的信号。可以用发光信号检查的温度和时间尺度与各种地貌过程的温度和时间尺度进行比较。最后,模拟结果说明了使用不同稳定性的信号更好地了解样本最近的地质历史的好处。