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Befriending The Byzantines Through Reputation Scores
arXiv - CS - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: arxiv-2006.13421
Jayanth Regatti and Abhishek Gupta

We propose two novel stochastic gradient descent algorithms, ByGARS and ByGARS++, for distributed machine learning in the presence of Byzantine adversaries. In these algorithms, reputation score of workers are computed using an auxiliary dataset with a larger stepsize. This reputation score is then used for aggregating the gradients for stochastic gradient descent with a smaller stepsize. We show that using these reputation scores for gradient aggregation is robust to any number of Byzantine adversaries. In contrast to prior works targeting any number of adversaries, we improve the generalization performance by making use of some adversarial workers along with the benign ones. The computational complexity of ByGARS++ is the same as the usual stochastic gradient descent method with only an additional inner product computation. We establish its convergence for strongly convex loss functions and demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithms for non-convex learning problems using MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.



我们提出了两种新颖的随机梯度下降算法 ByGARS 和 ByGARS++,用于在拜占庭对手存在的情况下进行分布式机器学习。在这些算法中,工作人员的声誉分数是使用具有更大步长的辅助数据集计算的。然后,该声誉分数用于聚合梯度,以较小的步长进行随机梯度下降。我们表明,使用这些声誉分数进行梯度聚合对任何数量的拜占庭对手都是稳健的。与之前针对任意数量对手的工作相比,我们通过使用一些对抗性工作者和良性工作者来提高泛化性能。ByGARS++ 的计算复杂度与通常的随机梯度下降方法相同,只是增加了一个内积计算。