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Routing electric vehicles with a single recharge per route
Networks ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-25 , DOI: 10.1002/net.21964
Maximilian Löffler 1 , Guy Desaulniers 2 , Stefan Irnich 3 , Michael Schneider 1

Driven by environmental considerations, regulations on vehicle emissions, and the offer of major subsidies, electric commercial vehicles (ECVs) are receiving ever stronger attention in logistics companies. Route planning for ECV fleets requires consideration of the special characteristics of ECVs, like limited driving range and the potential need to recharge en route at dedicated recharging stations. From a practical viewpoint, the number of recharge operations of each vehicle can very often be restricted to one recharge per route because (i) typical route distances in the most important application areas of ECVs, like small package shipping and food or beverage distribution, do not require more than one recharge given the current driving range of ECVs, and (ii) operations managers are very reluctant to plan vehicle routes with two or more recharges because recharging operations are perceived as unproductive idle times. We develop a hybrid of Large Neighborhood Search and Granular Tabu Search to solve the resulting electric vehicle-routing problem with time windows and single recharge (EVRPTW-S), considering the possibility of both full and partial recharge. The metaheuristic works on routes represented as customer sequences, and recharge operations are implicitly considered by determining the recharging position in the route, the recharging station to visit, and the amount to be recharged in optimal fashion. In numerical studies on EVRPTW-S instances from the literature, the method provides optimal or near-optimal solutions for instances with up to 100 customers within reasonable runtimes. Additional studies investigate the cost savings potential of partial recharges in comparison to full recharges in the presence of time-window constraints, and examine the factors that influence this cost saving potential.



在环境考虑、车辆排放法规和重大补贴的推动下,电动商用车 (ECV) 越来越受到物流公司的关注。ECV 车队的路线规划需要考虑 ECV 的特殊特性,例如有限的行驶里程和在途中在专用充电站充电的潜在需求。从实际的角度来看,每辆车的充电操作次数通常可以限制为每条路线一次充电,因为 (i) 在 ECV 最重要的应用领域(如小包裹运输和食品或饮料配送)中的典型路线距离,鉴于 ECV 的当前行驶里程,不需要多次充电,(ii) 运营经理非常不愿意计划具有两次或多次充电的车辆路线,因为充电操作被认为是非生产性的闲置时间。我们开发了大型邻域搜索和粒度禁忌搜索的混合体,以解决由此产生的具有时间窗和单次充电 (EVRPTW-S) 的电动汽车路线问题,同时考虑到完全充电和部分充电的可能性。元启发式在表示为客户序列的路线上工作,并通过确定路线中的充电位置、要访问的充电站以及以最佳方式充电的数量来隐式地考虑充电操作。在对文献中 EVRPTW-S 实例的数值研究中,该方法在合理的运行时间内为多达 100 个客户的实例提供了最佳或接近最佳的解决方案。