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Holocene summer temperature in arid central Asia linked to millennial-scale North Atlantic climate events and driven by centennial-scale solar activity
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109880
Chao Huang , Zhiguo Rao , Yunxia Li , Wen Yang , Lidan Liu , Xinping Zhang , Yi Wu

Abstract The millennial- and centennial-scale variability of Holocene climate in arid central Asia (ACA) is poorly understood, due to the lack of high-resolution records, especially of temperature. We present a high-resolution (~45-yr) peat α-cellulose δ13C record spanning the last ~11,030 years from a well-dated peat core (ATM10-C7) from the Altai Mountains in ACA. It is interpreted as a summer temperature record and exhibits millennial- and centennial-scale variability. The millennial-scale variability corresponds well to North Atlantic ice rafting events, implying a climatic link between the North Atlantic and the ACA via the Westerlies. The centennial-scale cold events were synchronous with stages of low solar activity. Spectral and cross-spectral analyses demonstrate that summer temperature and solar activity have a common cyclicity, and we therefore suggest that solar activity was the fundamental driver of the centennial-scale variability of summer temperature in ACA during the Holocene.



摘要 由于缺乏高分辨率记录,尤其是温度记录,人们对中亚干旱地区 (ACA) 全新世气候的千年和百年尺度变化知之甚少。我们提供了一个高分辨率(~45 年)泥炭 α-纤维素 δ13C 记录,跨越过去~11,030 年来自 ACA 阿尔泰山脉的一个年代久远的泥炭核心(ATM10-C7)。它被解释为夏季温度记录,并表现出千年和百年尺度的变化。千禧年尺度的变化与北大西洋冰筏漂流事件很好地对应,这意味着北大西洋和 ACA 之间通过西风带的气候联系。百年规模的寒冷事件与低太阳活动阶段同步。光谱和交叉光谱分析表明,夏季温度和太阳活动具有共同的周期性,