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Large-scale investigation into iceberg-tsunamis generated by various iceberg calving mechanisms
Coastal Engineering ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103745
Valentin Heller , Tommaso Attili , Fan Chen , Roman Gabl , Guido Wolters

Abstract Mass balance analysis of ice sheets is a key component to understand the effects of global warming with iceberg calving as a significant contributor. Calving recently generated tsunamis of up to 50 m in amplitude endangering human beings and coastal infrastructure. Such iceberg-tsunamis (IBTs) have been investigated based on 66 unique large-scale experiments conducted in a 50 m × 50 m large basin at constant water depth h. The experiments involved five iceberg calving mechanisms: A: capsizing, B: gravity-dominated fall, C: buoyancy-dominated fall, D: gravity-dominated overturning and E: buoyancy-dominated overturning. The kinematics of the up to 187 kg heavy plastic blocks mimicking icebergs was measured with a motion sensor and the wave profiles were recorded with wave probes at up to 35 locations. The IBTs from the gravity-dominated mechanisms (B and D) are roughly an order of magnitude larger than from mechanisms A, C and E. Empirical equations for preliminary hazard assessment and mitigation for the maximum wave height, amplitude and period for both the near- and far-field are derived for the five calving mechanisms individually and combined. The relative released energy, Froude number and relative iceberg width are the most influential dimensionless parameters in these equations. A maximum wave height decay trend close to (r/h)−1.0 is observed, with r as the radial distance, in agreement with the theoretical wave decay from a point source. The empirical equations are applied to a past event resulting in a good agreement and the upscaled wave periods to typical Greenlandic conditions overlap with the lower spectrum of landslide-tsunamis. However, empirical equations for landslide-tsunamis were found to be of limited use to predict IBTs in the far-field supporting the need of the newly introduced empirical equations for IBT hazard assessment and mitigation.



摘要 冰盖的质量平衡分析是了解以冰山崩解为重要因素的全球变暖影响的关键组成部分。产犊最近产生了高达 50 m 的海啸,危及人类和沿海基础设施。此类冰山海啸 (IBT) 已基于在 50 m × 50 m 大盆地中以恒定水深 h 进行的 66 次独特的大规模实验进行了研究。实验涉及五种冰山崩解机制:A:倾覆,B:重力主导下落,C:浮力主导下落,D:重力主导倾覆和 E:浮力主导倾覆。模拟冰山的重达 187 公斤的重塑料块的运动学使用运动传感器进行测量,并使用波探头在多达 35 个位置记录波浪剖面。重力主导机制(B 和 D)的 IBT 比机制 A、C 和 E 的 IBT 大一个数量级。 - 和远场是为五个产犊机制单独和组合得出的。相对释放能量、弗劳德数和相对冰山宽度是这些方程中最有影响的无量纲参数。观察到接近 (r/h)-1.0 的最大波高衰减趋势,r 为径向距离,与点源的理论波衰减一致。经验方程应用于过去的事件,结果很好地吻合,典型格陵兰条件的放大波浪周期与较低的滑坡海啸频谱重叠。