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Crater-based attitude and position estimation for planetary exploration with weighted measurement uncertainty
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.06.033
Shengying Zhu , Yi Xiu , Ning Zhang , Rui Xu , Pingyuan Cui

Abstract A large number of crater features exist on the surface of interplanetary bodies. Autonomous navigation based on these crater features can obtain excellent navigation performance, which is one of the most important navigation methods for future planetary exploration. This paper presents a new method to estimate the attitude and position of spacecraft based on crater measurement uncertainty. Firstly, the error distribution of craters’ localization is introduced, considering the characteristics of edge detection in crater images. Then, the error uncertainty of crater localization is described by the error ellipse and the influence of related factors on the crater localization error is analyzed. Further, in consideration of the characteristics that the localization errors are anisotropic, correlated and non-identically distributed, the weighted matrix of different craters is constructed by singular value decomposition (SVD) of the error uncertainty matrix. Thereafter the weighted matrix is integrated into the attitude and position estimation algorithm. As a result, the weighted measurement uncertainty method for crater-based pose estimation is formed. Finally, the proposed algorithm is verified by Monte Carlo simulation.



摘要 行星际天体表面存在大量陨石坑特征。基于这些陨石坑特征的自主导航可以获得优异的导航性能,是未来行星探索最重要的导航方式之一。本文提出了一种基于陨石坑测量不确定度估计航天器姿态位置的新方法。首先,结合陨石坑图像边缘检测的特点,介绍了陨石坑定位的误差分布。然后,用误差椭圆描述了陨石坑定位误差的不确定性,分析了相关因素对陨石坑定位误差的影响。进一步,考虑到定位误差具有各向异性、相关性和非同性分布的特点,通过误差不确定矩阵的奇异值分解(SVD)构造不同陨石坑的加权矩阵。此后,加权矩阵被集成到姿态和位置估计算法中。由此形成了基于陨石坑位姿估计的加权测量不确定度方法。最后,通过蒙特卡罗模拟验证了所提出的算法。