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Fishes collected during the 2017 MarineGEO assessment of Kāne‘ohe Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315420000417
Lynne R. Parenti , Diane E. Pitassy , Zeehan Jaafar , Kirill Vinnikov , Niamh E. Redmond , Kathleen S. Cole

We report the results of a survey of the fishes of Kāne‘ohe Bay, O‘ahu, conducted in 2017 as part of the Smithsonian Institution MarineGEO Hawaii bioassessment. We recorded 109 species in 43 families. The most speciose families were Acanthuridae (11 species), Gobiidae (11 species), Pomacentridae (10) and Chaetodontidae (9 species). Nine of the species that we collected are known or suspected to be introduced to the Hawaiian Islands. Specimens were identified, measured and photographed. All specimen vouchers were fixed in formalin and ultimately transferred to 75% ethanol for long-term storage. For nearly all species, we took multiple tissue samples from specimen vouchers prior to formalin-fixation; we preserved tissues in 95% ethanol and then stored them at −80°C. The 5′-end of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (mtCOI) was sequenced for 94 species to confirm their taxonomic identification. Using these barcode sequences, we also measured genetic distances between collected individuals and their conspecifics from other localities outside Hawaii to verify the hypothesis that Hawaiian populations of species broadly distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific may be genetically distinct. We present select case studies to demonstrate the potential for undiscovered endemism in the Hawaiian fish biota.


在 2017 年 MarineGEO 评估夏威夷瓦胡岛 Kāne'ohe 湾期间收集的鱼类

我们报告了 2017 年对欧胡岛 Kāne'ohe 湾鱼类进行的一项调查结果,该调查是史密森尼学会夏威夷海洋地球生物评估的一部分。我们记录了43科109种。种类最多的科是棘鱼科(11 种)、戈壁科(11 种)、Pomacentridae(10 种)和毛齿兽科(9 种)。我们收集的九个物种已知或怀疑被引入夏威夷群岛。对标本进行鉴定、测量和拍照。所有标本凭证均用福尔马林固定,最终转入75%乙醇中长期保存。对于几乎所有物种,我们在福尔马林固定之前从标本凭证中采集了多个组织样本;我们将组织保存在 95% 乙醇中,然后将它们储存在 -80°C。对 94 个物种的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶 I 基因 (mtCOI) 的 5' 端进行了测序,以确认它们的分类学鉴定。使用这些条形码序列,我们还测量了收集到的个体与其来自夏威夷以外其他地区的同种之间的遗传距离,以验证广泛分布在整个印度-太平洋地区的夏威夷物种种群可能在遗传上不同的假设。我们提供精选案例研究,以证明夏威夷鱼类生物群中未发现的特有现象的潜力。我们还测量了收集到的个体与其来自夏威夷以外其他地区的同种之间的遗传距离,以验证广泛分布在整个印度-太平洋地区的夏威夷物种种群可能在遗传上不同的假设。我们提供精选案例研究,以证明夏威夷鱼类生物群中未发现的特有现象的潜力。我们还测量了收集到的个体与其来自夏威夷以外其他地区的同种之间的遗传距离,以验证广泛分布在整个印度-太平洋地区的夏威夷物种种群可能在遗传上不同的假设。我们提供精选案例研究,以证明夏威夷鱼类生物群中未发现的特有现象的潜力。