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Structure-activity relationship analysis of dammarane-type natural products as muscle-type creatine kinase activators.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2020.127364
Yao Cheng 1 , Ruimei Li 2 , Zixuan Lin 1 , Feiyan Chen 3 , Jianguo Dai 1 , Zhu Zhu 4 , Lin Chen 2 , Yunan Zhao 1

Muscle-type creatine kinase (CK-MM) is the target protein of ginsenosides in skeletal muscle. 20(S)-protopanaxadiol [20(S)-PPD] is an activator of CK-MM and exerts an anti-fatigue effect. In this study, twelve dammarane-type compounds were used for structure-activity relationship analysis in terms of enzyme activity, intermolecular interaction, and molecular docking. Enzyme activity analysis showed that 20(S)-PPD, 20(R)-PPD, 20(S)-protopanaxatriol [20(S)-PPT], 25-OH-PPD, 24-COOH-PPD, panaxadiol (PD), and ginsenoside Rh2 significantly increased CK-MM activity. Panaxatriol (PT), ocotillol, ginsenoside Rg1, and ginsenoside Rd had no significant influence on CK-MM activity, while jujubogenin inhibited its activity. Biolayer Interferometry (BLI) assay produced the same results as those on enzyme activity. The interaction intensity between dammarane-type compounds and CK-MM was linearly related to the compounds’ maximum increment rate of enzyme activity. Molecular docking showed the following sequence of docking scores: Rd > Rg1 > Rh2 > 24-COOH-PPD > 20(S)-PPD > 20(S)-PPT > 25-OH-PPD > 20(R)-PPD > ocotillol > PT > PD > jujubogenin. We demonstrated that 20(S)-PPD was the best activator of CK-MM among the 12 dammarane-type compounds. The cyclization of the dammarane side chain, the hydroxyl group at position C6, and the glycosylation of C3, C6, and C20 reduced the ability to activate CK-MM. These findings can help in the development of enhanced CK-MM activators through structural modification.



肌肉型肌酸激酶(CK-MM)是骨骼肌中人参皂甙的靶蛋白。20(S)-原人参二醇[20(S)-PPD]是CK-MM的活化剂,具有抗疲劳作用。在这项研究中,从酶活性,分子间相互作用和分子对接方面,使用了十二种丹玛烷型化合物进行构效关系分析。酶活性分析表明20(S)-PPD,20(R)-PPD,20(S)-原托那三醇[20(S)-PPT],25-OH-PPD,24-COOH-PPD,人参二醇(PD)和人参皂苷Rh2显着增加CK-MM活性。人参三醇(PT),烟碱,人参皂苷Rg1和人参皂苷Rd对CK-MM活性无显着影响,而大枣生成素则抑制其活性。生物层干涉测定法(BLI)的测定结果与酶活性相同。达玛烷型化合物与CK-MM的相互作用强度与化合物的最大酶活性增加率呈线性关系。分子对接显示了对接分数的以下顺序:Rd> Rg1> Rh2> 24-COOH-PPD> 20(S)-PPD> 20(S)-PPT> 25-OH-PPD> 20(R)-PPD> ocotillol > PT> PD> jujubogenin。我们证明了20(S)-PPD是12种达玛烷类型化合物中CK-MM的最佳活化剂。达玛烷侧链的环化,C位置的羟基 大枣素。我们证明了20(S)-PPD是12种达玛烷类型化合物中CK-MM的最佳活化剂。达玛烷侧链的环化,C位置的羟基 大枣素。我们证明了20(S)-PPD是12种达玛烷类型化合物中CK-MM的最佳活化剂。达玛烷侧链的环化,C位置的羟基如图6所示,C 3,C 6和C 20的糖基化降低了激活CK-MM的能力。这些发现可通过结构修饰帮助开发增强型CK-MM活化剂。
