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Waterlogging tolerance in apple trees grafted on rootstocks from G, CG, and M series
Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s13580-020-00258-2
Byeong-Ho Choi , Narayan Bhusal , Woo-Tae Jeong , In-Hee Park , Su-Gon Han , Tae-Myung Yoon

This study was performed to evaluate the waterlogging tolerance of Cornell-Geneva (G11, G202, G214, G935, CG4814, and CG5087), M26, and M9 apple rootstocks. After grafting ‘Fuji’ scions on each type of rootstock, grafted trees were planted in 17-L pots and grown in a greenhouse under well-irrigated conditions. Sixteen weeks after planting, grown trees were divided into two groups: one group was drip-irrigated daily with 2 L of water (control treatment, CT), and the other group was waterlogged by repeating flooding and drainage at 1- to 3-day intervals for 4 weeks (waterlogging treatment, WT). After the cessation of flooding, trees were irrigated as in CT for 18 days. Trees grafted on G202, G214, and M9 had markedly lower leaf water potential than CT trees on the 27th day of flooding; predawn leaf water potential was − 1.26 to − 1.45 MPa in WT trees and − 0.30 to − 0.32 MPa in CT trees, and midday leaf water potential was − 2.85 to − 3.03 MPa in WT trees and − 1.83 to − 1.87 MPa in CT trees. This difference persisted until the 18th day after the cessation of flooding. The net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of trees grafted on these rootstocks were also extremely low in WT trees, and they did not recover to the corresponding levels in CT trees until the 18th day after the cessation of flooding. Among WT trees, the height, trunk cross-sectional area, and dry weight of G202, G214, and M9 trees were markedly lower than those of trees grafted on other rootstocks, whereas CG4814 trees showed the least reduction in these parameters. The defoliation percentages of G202, G214, and M9 trees were 22%, 23%, and 35%, respectively, in WT trees, whereas trees grafted on other rootstocks had 4 to 9% defoliation. Thus, G202 and G214 trees showed similar sensitivity levels as M9 trees, whereas CG4814 trees were more resistant to flooding than M26 trees, and G11, G935, and CG5087 trees showed a waterlogging tolerance comparable to M26 trees.


嫁接在 G、CG 和 M 系列砧木上的苹果树耐涝性

本研究旨在评估 Cornell-Geneva(G11、G202、G214、G935、CG4814 和 CG5087)、M26 和 M9 苹果砧木的耐涝性。在每种砧木上嫁接“富士”接穗后,将嫁接的树木种植在 17 升的盆中,并在灌溉良好的温室中生长。种植后 16 周,将生长的树木分为两组:一组每天用 2 L 水滴灌(对照处理,CT),另一组在 1 至 3 天通过重复淹水和排水进行淹水间隔 4 周(涝渍处理,WT)。洪水停止后,树木像 CT 一样进行了 18 天的灌溉。G202、G214和M9嫁接的树木在洪水第27天的叶水势明显低于CT树;黎明前叶水势为 − 1.26 到 − 1。WT 树为 45 MPa,CT 树为 - 0.30 至 - 0.32 MPa,WT 树正午叶水势为 - 2.85 至 - 3.03 MPa,CT 树为 - 1.83 至 - 1.87 MPa。这种差异一直持续到洪水停止后的第 18 天。嫁接在这些砧木上的树木的净光合速率和气孔导度在 WT 树中也极低,直到洪水停止后第 18 天才恢复到 CT 树中的相应水平。在 WT 树木中,G202、G214 和 M9 树木的高度、树干横截面积和干重明显低于嫁接在其他砧木上的树木,而 CG4814 树木在这些参数上的下降幅度最小。G202、G214 和 M9 树木的落叶百分比分别为 22%、23% 和 35%,在 WT 树木中,而嫁接在其他砧木上的树木有 4% 到 9% 的落叶。因此,G202 和 G214 树木表现出与 M9 树木相似的敏感性水平,而 CG4814 树木比 M26 树木更能抵抗洪水,而 G11、G935 和 CG5087 树木表现出与 M26 树木相当的耐涝性。