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The cell biology of inflammation: From common traits to remarkable immunological adaptations
The Journal of Cell Biology Pub Date : 2020-05-23 , DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202004003
Helen Weavers 1 , Paul Martin 1, 2, 3

Tissue damage triggers a rapid and robust inflammatory response in order to clear and repair a wound. Remarkably, many of the cell biology features that underlie the ability of leukocytes to home in to sites of injury and to fight infection—most of which are topics of intensive current research—were originally observed in various weird and wonderful translucent organisms over a century ago by Elie Metchnikoff, the “father of innate immunity,” who is credited with discovering phagocytes in 1882. In this review, we use Metchnikoff’s seminal lectures as a starting point to discuss the tremendous variety of cell biology features that underpin the function of these multitasking immune cells. Some of these are shared by other cell types (including aspects of motility, membrane trafficking, cell division, and death), but others are more unique features of innate immune cells, enabling them to fulfill their specialized functions, such as encapsulation of invading pathogens, cell–cell fusion in response to foreign bodies, and their self-sacrifice as occurs during NETosis.



组织损伤会引发快速而强烈的炎症反应,以清除和修复伤口。值得注意的是,白细胞定位损伤部位和抵抗感染能力的许多细胞生物学特征(其中大部分是当前深入研究的主题)最初是在一个多世纪前在各种奇怪而奇妙的半透明生物体中观察到的由“先天免疫之父”埃利·梅奇尼科夫 (Elie Metchnikoff) 撰写,他因在 1882 年发现吞噬细胞而受到赞誉。在这篇综述中,我们以梅奇尼科夫的开创性讲座为起点,讨论支撑这些多任务功能的细胞生物学特征的多样性免疫细胞。其中一些是其他细胞类型共有的(包括运动、膜运输、细胞分裂和死亡等方面),但其他一些是先天免疫细胞更独特的特征,使它们能够实现其特殊功能,例如封装入侵的病原体,响应异物的细胞与细胞融合,以及它们在 NETosis 期间发生的自我牺牲。