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A hybrid Body-Machine Interface integrating signals from muscles and motions.
Journal of Neural Engineering ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-12 , DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/ab9b6c
Fabio Rizzoglio 1 , Camilla Pierella , Dalia De Santis , Ferdinando Mussa-Ivaldi , Maura Casadio

Objective. Body-Machine Interfaces (BoMIs) establish a way to operate a variety of devices, allowing their users to extend the limits of their motor abilities by exploiting the redundancy of muscles and motions that remain available after spinal cord injury or stroke. Here, we considered the integration of two types of signals, motion signals derived from inertial measurement units (IMUs) and muscle activities recorded with electromyography (EMG), both contributing to the operation of the BoMI. Approach. A direct combination of IMU and EMG signals might result in inefficient control due to the differences in their nature. Accordingly, we used a nonlinear-regression-based approach to predict IMU from EMG signals, after which the predicted and actual IMU signals were combined into a hybrid control signal. The goal of this approach was to provide users with the possibility to switch seamlessly between movement and EMG control, using the BoMI as a tool for promoting t...


