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Basement structural control in magallanes-malvinas fold and thrust belt, offshore Argentina
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102708
J.P. Ormazabal , J.I. Isola , F.I. Palma , J.G. Lozano , F.D. Esteban , M.M. Menichetti , E. Lodolo , A.A. Tassone

Abstract In this study, we examine the external part of the Magallanes-Malvinas Fold and Thrust Belt in offshore areas, including a portion in Tierra del Fuego onshore, in southern South America. Our investigations focus on the interaction between a thin-skinned fold and thrust belt and the basement in that deformation, considering pre-existing structures acting as stress risers and localizing a possible tectonic inversion. The data is composed of around 14,000 km of 2-D multichannel seismic lines and three exploratory wells, used to analyse the anticlines of the fold and thrust belt in the area. The strike of these folds progressively evolves from NW-SE trending in western onshore regions, to WSW-ENE trending in eastern offshore areas. The fold and thrust belt shows a buttressing effect against the Rio Chico Arch. The most shortening is seen in the apex of the Rio Chico Arch around 67° W, in the coast of Tierra del Fuego, and gradually decreases eastwards in offshore regions. A connection between basement-involved faults and folds offshore is inferred from the analysis of the Geminis and Ciclon anticlines, developed during the N–S last compressional stage of deformation in the late Oligocene/early Miocene. The Geminis anticline is a fault propagation fold with a total shortening of 205 m with a piggyback basin developed over its backlimb. The location and ENE-WSW strike-direction of the fold have been controlled by a basement-involved fault. The Ciclon anticline is a subtle fold trending WNW-ESE developed as a result of the slight tectonic inversion of a negative flower structure.


阿根廷近海 magallanes-malvinas 褶皱逆冲带基底构造控制

摘要 在这项研究中,我们研究了近海地区麦哲伦-马尔维纳斯褶皱和逆冲带的外部,包括南美洲南部火地岛陆上的一部分。我们的研究集中在薄皮褶皱和逆冲带与变形中的基底之间的相互作用上,考虑到预先存在的结构作为应力上升器并定位可能的构造反转。该数据由大约 14,000 公里的二维多道地震线和三口探井组成,用于分析该地区褶皱和冲断带的背斜。这些褶皱的走向逐渐从西部陆上地区的 NW-SE 走向演变为东部近海地区的 WSW-ENE 走向。褶皱和推力带显示出对 Rio Chico 拱门的支撑效果。缩短最多的是在 67° W 附近的 Rio Chico Arch 的顶点,在火地岛海岸,并在近海地区向东逐渐减少。根据对在渐新世晚期/中新世早期变形的 N-S 最后挤压阶段形成的双子座和环线背斜的分析,推断出基底涉及的断层和海上褶皱之间的联系。Geminis 背斜是一条断层扩展褶皱,总缩短为 205 m,背斜发育在其后肢上。褶皱的位置和 ENE-WSW 走向受到基底卷入断层的控制。Ciclon 背斜是一个微妙的褶皱趋势 WNW-ESE,由于负花结构的轻微构造反转而形成。并在近海地区向东逐渐减少。根据对在渐新世晚期/中新世早期变形的 N-S 最后挤压阶段形成的双子座和环线背斜的分析,推断出基底涉及的断层和海上褶皱之间的联系。Geminis 背斜是一条断层扩展褶皱,总缩短为 205 m,背斜发育在其后肢上。褶皱的位置和 ENE-WSW 走向受到基底卷入断层的控制。Ciclon 背斜是一个微妙的褶皱趋势 WNW-ESE,由于负花结构的轻微构造反转而形成。并在近海地区向东逐渐减少。根据对在渐新世晚期/中新世早期变形的 N-S 最后挤压阶段形成的双子座和环线背斜的分析,推断出基底涉及的断层和海上褶皱之间的联系。Geminis 背斜是一条断层扩展褶皱,总缩短为 205 m,背斜发育在其后肢上。褶皱的位置和 ENE-WSW 走向受到基底卷入断层的控制。Ciclon 背斜是一个微妙的褶皱趋势 WNW-ESE,由于负花结构的轻微构造反转而形成。在渐新世晚期/中新世早期变形的 N-S 最后压缩阶段发育。Geminis 背斜是一条断层扩展褶皱,总缩短为 205 m,背斜发育在其后肢上。褶皱的位置和 ENE-WSW 走向受到基底卷入断层的控制。Ciclon 背斜是一个微妙的褶皱趋势 WNW-ESE,由于负花结构的轻微构造反转而形成。在渐新世晚期/中新世早期变形的 N-S 最后压缩阶段发育。Geminis 背斜是一条断层扩展褶皱,总缩短为 205 m,背斜发育在其后肢上。褶皱的位置和 ENE-WSW 走向受到基底卷入断层的控制。Ciclon 背斜是一个微妙的褶皱趋势 WNW-ESE,由于负花结构的轻微构造反转而形成。