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Measurement-based wireless channel analysis and modelling for shipping environments
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-22 , DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2019.1041
Changzhen Li 1 , Junyi Yu 2 , Wei Chen 1 , Kehao Wang 1 , Shoufeng Wang 2 , Kun Yang 3 , Xiaofeng Wu 4

To guarantee shipping safety, it is crucial to build a reliable wireless communication network. This study presents characteristic analysis of shipping wireless channel based on measurements. The authors conduct five channel measurements for two important water mobile communications, covering inland river and sea scenarios. Channel characteristics, e.g. power delay profile, amplitude distribution, delay spread and shadow fading, are extracted and compared for the two scenarios. It is found that the main difference between the them lies in more obstacles and scatterers in inland river propagation environment. The results show that more obstacles and scatterers can result in richer multipath effect and larger shadow fading decorrelation distance. A triple Gaussian mixture distribution (TGMD) is proposed to characterize the wireless channel with LOS, obstructed LOS and non-LOS situations in the practical propagation. To verify the effectiveness of TGMD, the goodness of fit between measurement and analysis results in terms of Rician K -factor, root mean square (RMS) delay spread and RMS Doppler spread is calculated. Furthermore, the cross-correlation among shadow fading, Rician K -factor and RMS delay spread are studied. Larger cross-correlation can be found in inland river and sea than vehicular communication due to the open propagation environment.



为了保证运输安全,建立可靠的无线通信网络至关重要。这项研究提出了基于测量的航运无线信道的特性分析。作者对两个重要的水上移动通信进行了五个通道的测量,涵盖了内陆河流和海洋情景。提取并比较了两种情况下的信道特性,例如功率延迟曲线,幅度分布,延迟扩展和阴影衰落。发现它们之间的主要区别在于内陆河流传播环境中的障碍物和散射物更多。结果表明,更多的障碍物和散射体可以导致更丰富的多径效应和更大的阴影衰落去相关距离。提出了三重高斯混合分布(TGMD)来表征具有LOS的无线信道,在实际传播中阻碍了LOS和非LOS情况。为了验证TGMD的有效性,用Rician表示测量和分析结果之间的拟合优度ķ 因子,均方根(RMS)延迟扩展和RMS多普勒扩展。此外,阴影衰落,Rician之间的互相关ķ 研究了因子和RMS延迟扩展。由于开放的传播环境,与车辆通信相比,内河和海洋中的互相关性更大。