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Farewell and Thank You.
Stroke ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.120.030573
Marc Fisher 1

I have completed my 10-year term as Editor-in-Chief of Stroke as of June 30, 2020. It has been a very rewarding and enriching experience on multiple levels. The past 10 years have seen tremendous advances in the stroke field in regards to acute ischemic stroke diagnostics and treatment. Stroke prevention modalities have also advanced. Advances have occurred albeit at a slower pace for patients with intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage. At Stroke, we have published articles that reported many of these developments in the field and also have provided expert commentaries and reviews to help our readers to put these rapidly evolving changes into context. Stroke has seen a substantial increase in article submissions as the cerebrovascular field has grown and more research is being done and knowledge accrued that needed disseminated.

The position of Editor-in-Chief of Stroke requires a great deal of help from many people to be done successfully. The office team, headed by Rebecca Seastrong as managing editor for the past 10 years, has been extremely helpful and without them none of what has been accomplished would have been possible. I would like to thank Rebecca, Erinn Cain, Pamela Lepkowski, and Zora Nazarei for all of their efforts. The Associate Editors are a very important group because they handle the review process for most of the articles that are submitted. I have been very fortunate to have an excellent and dedicated group of Associate Editors, Pierre Amarenco, Jarek Aronowki, Argye Hillis, Kennedy Lees, Wolf Schäbitz, and Lawrence Wong, most of whom have been in that position for the entire 10-year period. I would also like to thank Eng Lo who served as an Associate Editor for basic science from 2010 to 2015. Karen Furie has been the Vice-Editor for the entire time and has provided many valuable contributions to the success of Stroke. Thank you to all of these people without whom my job would have been impossible. I would also like to thank the current and former members of the many other groups of people on our masthead, the consulting editors, the international edition editors, the assistant editors, the sections editors, the CME editors, and the editorial board for their time and efforts. The peer review process is entirely dependent upon this large group of contributors, as well as the many ad hoc reviewers who volunteer to help. I would especially like to thank Michael Brainin and Ralph Sacco who as senior consulting editors approved the article decisions made by guest editors, when I had a conflict with the authors of a submitted article. Thank you to Bo Norrving who was a senior consulting editor from 2013 through 2015. I would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Rob Goldberg, our statistical/epidemiology coordinator. Finally, I would also like to thank the American Heart Association, especially the Vice-President for publishing Heather Goodell, and the Scientific Publishing Committee, chaired by Dr Mark Estes, for their help and support.

Dr Ralph Sacco is the new Editor-in-Chief of Stroke, and the journal could not have been handed over to a more qualified and affable individual. Dr Sacco has assembled an outstanding team of Associate Editors and others. He and all of the new and old individuals involved with the various masthead groups of Stroke will ensure that the journal will achieve continued success over the coming years.




截至2020年6月30日,我已经完成了10年的中风主编任期。这是一个非常有益和丰富的多层次经验。在过去的十年中,在急性缺血性中风的诊断和治疗方面,中风领域取得了巨大的进步。预防中风的方式也有所进步。尽管脑内和蛛网膜下腔出血的患者进展缓慢,但进展很快。在Stroke,我们发表了文章,报道了该领域的许多进展,并提供了专家评论和评论,以帮助我们的读者将这些迅速发展的变化置于背景之中。中风 随着脑血管领域的发展以及正在进行的更多研究以及需要传播的知识的积累,文章的提交量大大增加。

中风总编辑的位置需要许多人的大量帮助才能成功完成。在过去十年中,由丽贝卡·西斯特朗(Rebecca Seastrong)担任总编辑的办公室团队非常有帮助,没有他们,一切都不可能实现。我要感谢Rebecca,Erinn Cain,Pamela Lepkowski和Zora Nazarei所做的所有努力。副编辑是一个非常重要的小组,因为他们负责处理大多数已提交文章的审阅过程。我非常幸运,有一个出色而敬业的副编辑组,包括Pierre Amarenco,Jarek Aronowki,Argye Hillis,Kennedy Lees,WolfSchäbitz和Lawrence Wong,他们中的大多数人在整个十年期间都一直担任该职位。 。中风。感谢所有这些人,没有他们,我的工作将是不可能的。我还要感谢刊头上其他许多人的现任和前任成员,咨询编辑,国际版编辑,助理编辑,部门编辑,CME编辑和编辑委员会所花的时间和努力。同行评审的过程完全取决于这一庞大的贡献者群体,以及自愿提供帮助的许多临时评审员。我特别要感谢Michael Brainin和Ralph Sacco,他们是高级咨询编辑,当我与提交的文章的作者发生冲突时,他们批准了客座编辑的文章决定。感谢Bo Norrving,他在2013年至2015年期间担任高级咨询编辑。我还要感谢统计/流行病学协调员Rob Goldberg的贡献。最后,我还要感谢美国心脏协会,特别是副主席出版了希瑟·古德尔(Heather Goodell),以及由马克·埃斯蒂斯(Mark Estes)博士主持的科学出版委员会的帮助和支持。

拉尔夫·萨科(Ralph Sacco)博士是《中风》的新主编,而且该期刊不可能移交给更合格,更和able的个人。Sacco博士已组建了一支出色的副编辑及其他团队。他和与Stroke的多个刊头组织有关的所有新老员工将确保该期刊在未来几年中继续取得成功。

