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New Taxa of Soft-Winged Flower Beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) in Baltic Amber
Paleontological Journal ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-22 , DOI: 10.1134/s0031030120030065
S. E. Tshernyshev


A new tribe, two new genera and two new species of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) are described from Baltic Late Eocene amber. The genus Premalachius gen. nov. with a species Premalachius obscurus sp. nov., belongs to the tribe Malachiini due to the antennae being located near the clypeus, which is well developed, as is the labrum. Within the tribe, the new species is close to species of the genus Chionotopus Abeille de Perrin, 1881. Because of the absence of specific male structures, due to the inclusion specimen being female, the only character indicating similarity between the new species and the genus mentioned above is the claw, thin sharp and lacking transparent lamellae at the base. The new species can be differentiated from Chionotopus by the following characters: apical palpomere not fusiform, apical antennomeres not serrate, second antennomere not shorter than the 3rd , of the same shape, enlarged triangular, humeri not rounded but elongate and protruding, lacking spots, elytra not oval, subparallel, pronotum not depressed posteriorly, legs strong. At about 2.5 mm in length, the new species is much smaller than known species of Chionotopus which average 4.0–4.5mm. The genus Palpattalusinus gen. nov. with the type species P. transitivus sp. nov. is closely related to the genus Palpattalus Tshernyshev, 2016 and differs in the elongate parallel body, pronotum elongate and narrowed to the base, pygidium elongate, slightly curved ventrally and dome-shaped, specific palpae which look like a whole stout oval palpomere narrowed at the tip into a thin tube and composed of three compactly joined palpomeres; anterior tarsi with a distinct black comb above the second palpomere, antennae long, with the second antennomere small and round, 3rd and 4th triangular-shaped, remaining antennomeres slightly serrate, apical antennomere strongly elongate and oval. The genus Palpattalusinus gen. nov. shares two characters with Palpattalus Tshernyshev, 2016, namely enlarged palpae and modified pygidium. Thus, a new tribe, Palpattalini trib. nov. with type genus Palpattalus Tshernyshev is described. Recent representatives of the new tribe are unknown. Females of Palpattalus eocenicus Tshernyshev, 2016 have been found in four different Baltic amber inclusions deposited in different collections. The female is briefly described and the significant presence of species of the genus in Eocene amber is discussed.




波罗的海晚始新世琥珀描述了一个新部落,两个新属和两个新种的软翅花甲虫(鞘翅目,蠕虫科)。Premalachius属。十一月 与物种Premalachius obscurus sp。十一月,属于Malachiini部落,因为触角位于克莱普斯(Clypeus)附近,而唇形也很发达。在部落中,新物种接近Chionotopus Abeille de Perrin属,1881年。由于没有特定的雄性结构,由于包含标本是雌性,唯一表明新物种与该属相似的特征上面提到的是爪,细而锋利,底部缺乏透明的薄片。新物种可以与拟南芥具有以下特征:顶端睑裂不具梭形,顶端腺瘤不具锯齿,不比第3短,第二腺瘤具有相同的形状,扩大的三角形,humeri不倒圆但细长而突出,缺乏斑点,鞘翅不椭圆形,近平行,前胸背板后部不压抑,腿强壮。在约2.5毫米长,新物种比的已知物种小得多Chionotopus其平均4.0-4.5mm。Palpattalusinus属。十一月 与该类型品种P. transitivus SP。十一月 与Palpattalus属密切相关谢尔尼雪夫(Tshernyshev),2016年,不同之处在于细长的平行体,前胸膜延长并向基部变窄,虫延长,腹侧略弯曲和圆顶形,特定的palpae,看起来像是整个粗壮的椭圆形palpomere,尖端逐渐变细成细管,并组成三个紧密相连的palpomeres;前睑板,在第二个palpomere上方有明显的黑色梳状,触角长,第二个antennomere小而圆形,第3和第4个三角形,其余的antennomere略带锯齿,顶端的antennomere强烈拉长和椭圆形。Palpattalusinus属。十一月 与Palpattalus Tshernyshev在2016年有两个角色,分别是扩大的palpae和改良的pygidium。因此,一个新的部落,帕尔帕塔利尼部落。十一月 属于帕尔帕塔勒斯描述了Tshernyshev。新部落的近期代表不详。Palpattalus eocenicus Tshernyshev,2016的雌性发现于不同收藏物中沉积的四种不同的波罗的海琥珀包裹体中。对雌性进行了简要描述,并讨论了始新世琥珀中该属的种的显着存在。