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Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) reproductive capacity changes in three time frames during 1975–2010
Polar Biology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02693-4
Jenell T. Larsen Tempel , Shannon Atkinson

Reductions in sea ice and increases in air and seawater temperatures have been documented in the Arctic, making female Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) vulnerable to changes in foraging, energy budgets, and reproductive fitness. The aim of the present study was to assess how walrus reproductive capacity has changed over a span of 35 years analyzing ovaries from three distinct time frames: 1975, 1994 to 1999 and 2008 to 2010. Ovarian weights and volumes, corpora lutea diameter, total number of corpora lutea and albicantia, and the percent of females ovulating in their current cycle were used to evaluate reproductive capacity. Ovaries were collected from walruses hunted by Alaska Native communities for subsistence purposes. There were no differences in ovarian weights or percent of quiescent females between 1975 and 2008 to 2010. Ovaries from 1994 to 1999 were significantly heavier, exhibited more corpora, and all females from this time frame were ovulating at the time of harvest. Reproductive capacity was limited during 1975, due to known density-dependent stressors; reproductive capacity increased during 1994–1999, as harvests increased and more resources became available, and in 2008–2010, females were as reproductively limited as those of 1975. The cause for this reduction in reproductive capacity is unknown, but maybe a result of multiple factors, including an increase in population size coincident with a decrease in carrying capacity, and cumulative stressors relating to sea ice loss, contaminants, and anthropogenic impacts.


太平洋海象(Odobenus rosmarus divergens)1975-2010 年三个时间段的繁殖能力变化

北极地区已记录到海冰减少以及空气和海水温度升高,这使得雌性太平洋海象(Odobenus rosmarus divergens)容易受到觅食、能量预算和生殖健康变化的影响。本研究的目的是通过分析三个不同时间范围内的卵巢来评估海象生殖能力在 35 年间的变化:1975、1994 至 1999 和 2008 至 2010。卵巢重量和体积、黄体直径、总数黄体和白质体的数量,以及在当前周期中排卵的女性的百分比被用来评估生殖能力。卵巢是从阿拉斯加原住民社区为生存目的而猎杀的海象中收集的。1975 年至 2008 年至 2010 年间,卵巢重量或静止女性的百分比没有差异。1994 年至 1999 年的卵巢明显更重,显示出更多的语料库,并且该时间段的所有雌性在收获时都在排卵。1975 年,由于已知的密度依赖性压力因素,生殖能力受到限制;1994 年至 1999 年期间,随着收成增加和可用资源增加,生殖能力增加,而在 2008 年至 2010 年期间,雌性的生殖能力与 1975 年一样。生殖能力下降的原因尚不清楚,但可能是多种因素的结果因素,包括人口规模增加同时承载能力下降,以及与海冰损失、污染物和人为影响相关的累积压力因素。这个时间段的所有雌性在收获时都在排卵。1975 年,由于已知的密度依赖性压力因素,生殖能力受到限制;1994 年至 1999 年期间,随着收成增加和可用资源增加,生殖能力增加,而在 2008 年至 2010 年期间,雌性的生殖能力与 1975 年一样。生殖能力下降的原因尚不清楚,但可能是多种因素的结果因素,包括人口规模增加同时承载能力下降,以及与海冰损失、污染物和人为影响相关的累积压力因素。这个时间段的所有雌性在收获时都在排卵。1975 年,由于已知的密度依赖性压力因素,生殖能力受到限制;1994 年至 1999 年期间,随着收成增加和可用资源增加,生殖能力增加,而在 2008 年至 2010 年期间,雌性的生殖能力与 1975 年一样。生殖能力下降的原因尚不清楚,但可能是多种因素的结果因素,包括人口规模增加同时承载能力下降,以及与海冰损失、污染物和人为影响相关的累积压力因素。