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Management of diseases in Norwegian Christmas tree plantations
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2020.1778781
Venche Talgø 1 , Arne Stensvand 1, 2 , Martin Pettersson 1 , Inger Sundheim Fløistad 1

ABSTRACT In integrated pest management (IPM), the goal is to keep the impact of damaging agents below a threshold level with reduced pesticide use. The present review is focusing on IPM of fungal diseases and Phytophthora root rot in Norwegian Christmas tree plantations. Healthy transplants are of vital importance to give the production a good establishment. Sanitation of diseased material and weeds is also very important in IPM. Management strategies will vary with the disease-causing agent in question, therefore, correct identification is necessary. The major pathogens are within the kingdom’s Fungi (e.g. Neonectria neomacrospora) and Chromista (e.g. Phytophthora spp.). They depend on relatively high humidity or free moisture to spread and infect. Any factors diminishing the duration of wet conditions will, therefore, reduce the disease pressure. Efficient weed management in Christmas tree fields will increase air circulation and thereby ensure a quicker drying after precipitation. Furthermore, certain weed species are host plants for rust fungi on Christmas trees, and thus, removal of the alternate host is a highly relevant control strategy. In Norway, fungicide use in Christmas trees is limited and only recommended during the short period from bud break to fully elongated shoots, generally the most vulnerable period concerning fungal attacks.



摘要 在虫害综合管理 (IPM) 中,目标是通过减少农药使用,将破坏性物质的影响保持在阈值水平以下。本综述重点关注挪威圣诞树种植园真菌病害和疫霉根腐病的 IPM。健康的移植对于让生产建立良好的环境至关重要。病害材料和杂草的卫生在 IPM 中也非常重要。管理策略会因所讨论的致病因子而异,因此,正确识别是必要的。主要病原体是该王国的真菌(例如新巨孢菌属)和色霉属(例如疫霉属)。它们依靠相对较高的湿度或自由水分来传播和感染。因此,任何减少潮湿条件持续时间的因素都会降低疾病压力。圣诞树地中的有效杂草管理将增加空气流通,从而确保降水后更快的干燥。此外,某些杂草是圣诞树上锈菌的寄主植物,因此,去除替代寄主是一种高度相关的控制策略。在挪威,在圣诞树中使用杀菌剂是有限的,并且只推荐在从萌芽到完全伸长的芽的短时间内使用,通常是真菌侵袭最脆弱的时期。