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The relationship between personality and the collective motion of schooling fish
Journal of Ethology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10164-020-00655-1
Jin-Yu Tang , Shi-Jian Fu

The personalities of schooling fish members are thought to have profound effects on group behavior, indicating that group members must maintain their personality to some extent. However, whether and to what extent personality traits are maintained or sacrificed during schooling has seldom been investigated. Thus, we aimed to verify the possible correlation between an individual’s personality traits and its movement characteristics during schooling. We first measured the boldness, exploration, activity and sociability personality traits of pale chubs (Zacco platypus). Then, we randomly divided the individuals into ten groups containing six members and measured their movement characteristics. In factor analysis, boldness and activity variables could be reduced to a single factor, and two variables related to sociability and one variable related to boldness (time spent outside the shelter) could be reduced to a single factor. The correlation between factor scores and collective motion traits showed that proactive pale chubs (with greater boldness and activity) swam with higher polarity with the centroid of the group than did reactive individuals, and individuals with higher sociability were more synchronized with the group centroid in terms of swimming speed. These findings suggest that proactive individuals have a greater alignment tendency and might have an advantage of efficient information transfer, enabling them to gain more synergistic benefits as group members than reactive individuals. The present study, along with information from our recent study, suggests that variation in the personality (especially boldness and sociability) composition of fish groups might be a major cause of variation in group-level behavior.



鱼群成员的性格被认为对群体行为有着深远的影响,表明群体成员必须在一定程度上保持自己的性格。然而,很少研究在学校教育期间是否以及在多大程度上保持或牺牲了人格特质。因此,我们旨在验证个人的人格特征与其在学校期间的运动特征之间可能存在的相关性。我们首先测量了苍白鲢鱼(Zacco platypus)的大胆、探索、活跃和社交个性特征。然后,我们将个体随机分为十组,每组六名成员并测量他们的运动特征。在因子分析中,大胆和活动变量可以简化为单个因子,两个与社交相关的变量和一个与大胆(在庇护所外的时间)相关的变量可以减少到一个因素。因子得分与集体运动特征的相关性表明,与反应性个体相比,积极主动的苍白鱼(具有更大的胆量和活动性)以更高的极性与群体质心游动,而具有较高社交性的个体与群体质心在术语上更同步游泳速度。这些发现表明,积极主动的个体具有更大的对齐倾向,并且可能具有有效信息传递的优势,使他们作为团体成员比被动个体获得更多的协同效益。本研究,连同我们最近研究的信息,