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Optimizing safety surveillance for COVID-19 vaccines.
Nature Reviews Immunology ( IF 100.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41577-020-0372-8
Rebecca E Chandler 1

Evolution of the current infrastructure for surveillance of vaccine safety will be essential to meet our commitments to the public in the deployment of a vaccine (or vaccines) to COVID-19. The incorporation of concepts and tools within the fields of data science and systems immunology can be used to propel vaccine safety monitoring into the twenty-first century. Rebecca Chandler from the Uppsala Monitoring Centre discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic could be the catalyst that propels vaccine safety surveillance into the twenty-first century.


优化 COVID-19 疫苗的安全监测。

当前用于监测疫苗安全的基础设施的发展对于履行我们在为 COVID-19 部署疫苗(或疫苗)方面对公众的承诺至关重要。数据科学和系统免疫学领域的概念和工具的结合可用于将疫苗安全监测推进到 21 世纪。乌普萨拉监测中心的丽贝卡·钱德勒讨论了 COVID-19 大流行如何成为推动疫苗安全监测进入 21 世纪的催化剂。