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Uplift of the Transdanubian Range, Pannonian Basin: How fast and why?
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103263
Zs Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger , A. Balázs , G. Csillag , G. Drijkoningen , L. Fodor

Abstract The cumulative incision rates of ~50–70 m/Ma integrating over the last ~3 Ma have been derived from published terrace-chronological data of the Danube river in the Western Pannonian Basin. An apparent acceleration of uplift rates was observed for shorter timescales culminating at ~200 m/Ma over the last ~140 ka. An examination of the change of the incision rates through time revealed that the incision rate was fairly constant at ~50 m/Ma from ~3 Ma to ~140 ka, and the faster rates are valid only for the last ~140 ka. These findings suggest that the long-term uplift rate of the northwestern limb of the Transdanubian Range is ~50 m/Ma, and the apparent acceleration of river incision during the Late Pleistocene is considered as the result of faster, most probably climate-driven incision during the last glacial cycle, outpacing the long-term uplift rate. The observed upper crustal neotectonic faults are not sufficient to accommodate the deformation necessary for the reported Pliocene to Quaternary vertical motion. The geodynamic model for the explanation of the magnitude and pattern of surface uplift in the western Pannonian Basin involves a complex interplay between (1) deep lithosphere-asthenosphere dynamics, (2) structural inversion governed by the northward drift of Adria, (3) inherited geological structures and (4) climate driven surface processes (denudation and sediment loading).


Pannonian 盆地 Transdanubian 山脉的隆升:有多快,为什么?

摘要 过去~3 Ma 累积的~50-70 m/Ma 累积切割率来自已发表的西潘诺尼亚盆地多瑙河阶地年代数据。在过去的~140 ka 中,在更短的时间尺度上观察到上升速率的明显加速,在~200 m/Ma 达到顶峰。对切​​割速率随时间变化的检查表明,切割速率在~50 m/Ma 从~3 Ma 到~140 ka 相当恒定,并且更快的速率仅在最后~140 ka 有效。这些发现表明,Transdanubian 山脉西北缘的长期抬升速率约为 50 m/Ma,晚更新世期间河流切口的明显加速被认为是更快的,最有可能是气候驱动的切口的结果在最后一个冰川周期中,超过长期上升速度。观察到的上地壳新构造断层不足以适应报告的上新世至第四纪垂直运动所需的变形。用于解释潘诺尼亚盆地西部地表隆升幅度和模式的地球动力学模型涉及 (1) 深层岩石圈-软流圈动力学、(2) 受亚德里亚向北漂移控制的构造反转、(3) 继承地质结构和 (4) 气候驱动的地表过程(剥蚀和沉积物负荷)。