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Investigation of Machine-Mounted Area Lighting to Reduce Risk of Injury from Slips-Trips-Falls for Operators of Mobile Surface Mining Equipment
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s42461-020-00239-0
Alan G Mayton 1 , Brendan Demich 1 , Mahiyar F Nasarwanji 1

Nonfatal injuries from slips, trips, and falls (STF) that occur at surface mines can result from inadequate lighting. Mobile equipment operators are among the occupations associated with the nonfatal incidents reported to the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). In addition, getting on/off the equipment (ingress/egress) frequently adds to the highest proportion of nonfatal incidents. Accordingly, researchers at the Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a field study to investigate lighting on haul trucks and wheel loaders with regard to glare and illuminance levels recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES). The objective was to determine whether two light-emitting diode (LED) area luminaires—a Mr. Beams® (model MB390 Ultrabright) (area luminaire-1) and a NIOSH-developed Saturn (custom-designed for a mine roof bolter study) (area luminaire-2)—could complement a headlamp luminaire. Measured levels of visual tasks, with the headlamp alone and the area luminaires plus the headlamp, demonstrated that illuminance met or exceeded IES-recommended levels. Nevertheless, the area luminaires illuminated a much broader area, which is key to increasing hazard awareness. Discomfort and disability glare were lower with area luminaire-1 than with area luminaire-2. Differences in glare were more noticeable for newer models of haul trucks and loaders featuring updated ingress/egress system designs. This study demonstrates that commercially available luminaires, such as area luminaire-1, are capable of complementing headlamp lighting, and can thus improve a miner’s ability to detect and avoid STF hazards.



露天矿山发生的滑倒、绊倒和跌倒 (STF) 造成的非致命伤害可能是由于照明不足造成的。移动设备操作员是与向美国矿山安全与健康管理局 (MSHA) 报告的非致命事故相关的职业之一。此外,上下设备(入口/出口)频繁增加了非致命事件的最高比例。因此,匹兹堡矿业研究部 (PMRD)、美国国家职业安全与健康研究所 (NIOSH) 的研究人员进行了一项实地研究,以调查运输卡车和轮式装载机上照明工程协会推荐的眩光和照度水平。 IES)。目的是确定两个发光二极管 (LED) 区域灯具——一个先生。Beams®(型号 MB390 Ultrabright)(区域灯具 1)和 NIOSH 开发的 Saturn(为矿顶锚杆研究定制设计)(区域灯具 2)——可以补充前照灯灯具。单独使用前照灯和区域灯具加上前照灯的视觉任务测量水平表明,照度达到或超过了 IES 推荐的水平。然而,区域灯具照亮了更广阔的区域,这是提高危险意识的关键。区域灯具 1 的不适感和失能眩光低于区域灯具 2。对于具有更新的入口/出口系统设计的新型运输卡车和装载机,眩光差异更加明显。这项研究表明,市售灯具(例如区域灯具 1)能够补充前照灯照明,