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Risk Factors of Hypertension among Diabetic Patients from Yaoundé Central Hospital and Etoug-Ebe Baptist Health Centre, Cameroon.
Journal of Diabetes Research ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/1853516
Beryl Kemche 1 , Brice Ulrich Saha Foudjo 2 , Elie Fokou 1

Uncontrolled blood pressure is a threat to diabetic patients’ life. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors of hypertension among diabetic patients at different stages from Yaoundé Central Hospital and Etoug-Ebe Baptist Health Center of Cameroon. A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted for 6 months, and 109 participants (types 1 and 2), aged 24–81 years, were enrolled using simple random sampling. A pretested structured questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic data, habitual behaviors, clinical history blood pressure, and anthropometric measures. The prevalence of hypertension was 86.2%. Of the total, 13.8% participants were normotensive, 32.1% stage 1 hypertensive, and 54.1% stage 2 hypertensive. Being a male () and not smoking () were negatively associated with stage 1 hypertension whereas eating less than 3 times () and duration of diabetes greater than 9 years among women () were positively associated. Age above 40 years () was negatively associated with stage 2 hypertension. However, age above 40 years had a negative effect among Christian, less educated diabetics, people having diabetes for more than 9 years, and those on medical treatment (). Duration of diabetes (age-adjusted ; ) and abnormal waist circumference (crude ; ) were positively associated with stage 2. Abnormal waist-to-hip ratio (crude ; ) and feeding rate greater than 2 times a day (WHR-adjusted ; ) were positively associated with hypertension (stages 1 and 2). This study suggests that hypertension, present at its two stages, is a serious health issue among diabetic patients. Thus, appropriate intervention should be put in place to prevent and control hypertension by managing identified risk factors.



血压不受控制会威胁糖尿病患者的生命。这项研究的目的是确定喀麦隆雅温得中心医院和埃托格-埃贝浸信会保健中心不同阶段糖尿病患者的高血压危险因素。进行了一项基于医院的横断面研究,为期6个月,使用简单的随机抽样方法招募了109名年龄在24-81岁之间的参与者(1型和2型)。使用预先测试的结构化问卷收集社会人口统计学数据,习惯行为,临床病史血压和人体测量学数据。高血压的患病率为86.2%。在总数中,13.8%的参与者为血压正常,32.1%的1期高血压和54.1%的2期高血压。作为男性(而不吸烟(与1期高血压呈负相关,而进食时间少于3倍(,女性的糖尿病病程超过9年(呈正相关。年龄40岁以上(与2期高血压呈负相关。但是,年龄超过40岁对基督徒,受过良好教育的糖尿病患者,患有9年以上糖尿病的人以及接受过医疗治疗的人具有负面影响()。糖尿病持续时间(年龄调整); 和异常的腰围(粗暴; 与第2阶段呈正相关。异常的腰臀比率(粗暴; ),且每日喂食速度大于2次(WHR调整后); 与高血压正相关(第1和第2阶段)。这项研究表明,处于两个阶段的高血压是糖尿病患者中严重的健康问题。因此,应采取适当的干预措施,通过管理已识别的危险因素来预防和控制高血压。