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Toxicity of the herbicides used on herbicide-tolerant crops, and societal consequences of their use in France
Drug and Chemical Toxicology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1080/01480545.2020.1770781
Jean-Paul Bourdineaud 1, 2


In France, the implementation of mutant herbicide-tolerant crops and the use of the related herbicides – sulfonylureas and imidazolinones – have triggered a strong societal reaction illustrated by the intervening actions of environmentalist groups illegally mowing such crops. Trials are in progress, and therefore should be addressed the questions of the environmental risks and the toxicity of these herbicides for the animals and humans consuming the products derived from these plants. Regulatory authorities have allowed these mutant and herbicide-tolerant plants arguing that the herbicides against which they resist only target an enzyme found in ‘weeds’ (the acetolactate synthase, ALS), and that therefore all organisms lacking this enzyme would be endowed with immunity to these herbicides. The toxicological literature does not match with this argument: 1) Even in organisms displaying the enzyme ALS, these herbicides impact other molecular targets than ALS; 2) These herbicides are toxic for animals, organisms that do not possess the enzyme ALS, and especially invertebrates, amphibians and fish. In humans, epidemiological studies have shown that the use and handling of these toxins are associated with a significantly increased risk of colon and bladder cancers, and miscarriages. In agricultural soils, these herbicides have a persistence of up to several months, and water samples have concentrations of some of these herbicides above the limit value in drinking water.




在法国,突变体耐除草剂作物的实施和相关除草剂——磺酰脲类和咪唑啉酮类的使用引发了强烈的社会反应,环保组织非法割草的干预行动说明了这一点。试验正在进行中,因此应解决这些除草剂对食用这些植物产品的动物和人类的环境风险和毒性问题。监管机构允许这些突变体和除草剂耐受性植物认为,它们抵抗的除草剂仅针对“杂草”中发现的一种酶(乙酰乳酸合酶,ALS),因此所有缺乏这种酶的生物都将被赋予免疫力这些除草剂。毒理学文献与此论点不符: 1) 即使在表现出 ALS 酶的生物体中,这些除草剂也会影响除 ALS 之外的其他分子靶标;2) 这些除草剂对动物、不具有 ALS 酶的生物体,尤其是无脊椎动物、两栖动物和鱼类有毒。在人类中,流行病学研究表明,这些毒素的使用和处理与结肠癌和膀胱癌以及流产的风险显着增加有关。在农业土壤中,这些除草剂的持续时间长达数月,水样中某些除草剂的浓度高于饮用水中的限值。不具有 ALS 酶的生物,尤其是无脊椎动物、两栖动物和鱼类。在人类中,流行病学研究表明,这些毒素的使用和处理与结肠癌和膀胱癌以及流产的风险显着增加有关。在农业土壤中,这些除草剂的持续时间长达数月,水样中某些除草剂的浓度高于饮用水中的限值。不具有 ALS 酶的生物,尤其是无脊椎动物、两栖动物和鱼类。在人类中,流行病学研究表明,这些毒素的使用和处理与结肠癌和膀胱癌以及流产的风险显着增加有关。在农业土壤中,这些除草剂的持续时间长达数月,水样中某些除草剂的浓度高于饮用水中的限值。
