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The genesis of Hippachus' celestial globe
arXiv - CS - Multimedia Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: arxiv-2006.07186
Susanne M Hoffmann

This paper summarises briefly and in English some of the results of the book Hoffmann: Hipparchs Himmelsglobus, Springer, 2017 that had to be written in German. The globe of Hipparchus is not preserved. For that reason, it has been a source of much speculation and scientific inquiry during the last few centuries. This study presents a new analysis of the data given in the commentary on Aratus' poem by Hipparchus, in comparison with other contemporary Babylonian and Greek astronomical data, as well as their predecessors in the first millennium and their successors up to Ptolemy. The result of all these studies are the following: i) although the data of Ptolemy and Hipparchus are undoubtedly correlated, it is certainly also wrong to accuse Ptolemy having simply copied and transformed it without correct citation; ii) although Hipparchus presumably observed most of his star catalogue with his own instruments, we cannot neglect Babylonian influences. Hipparchus was educated in Greek astronomy but, in his time, there are traces of Babylonian influences since at least two centuries. Since we are unable to definitely prove that Hipparchus used Babylonian data, we are not sure if there are direct Babylonian influences in his time or as a consequence of his education only. Finally, we present a virtual 3D-image showing what the globe of Hipparchus might have looked like.



本文用英文简要总结了 Hoffmann: Hipparchs Himmelsglobus, Springer, 2017 一书的一些结果,这些结果必须用德语编写。喜帕恰斯的地球没有保存下来。出于这个原因,在过去的几个世纪里,它一直是许多猜测和科学探究的来源。这项研究对喜帕恰斯 (Hipparchus) 对阿拉图斯 (Aratus) 的诗的评论中给出的数据进行了新的分析,并与其他同时代巴比伦和希腊的天文数据,以及它们在第一个千年的前辈及其直到托勒密的后继者进行了比较。所有这些研究的结果如下: i)尽管托勒密和喜帕恰斯的数据无疑是相关的,但指责托勒密只是在没有正确引用的情况下对其进行了复制和改造当然也是错误的;ii) 虽然喜帕恰斯大概是用他自己的仪器观察到了他的大部分星表,但我们不能忽视巴比伦的影响。喜帕恰斯受过希腊天文学教育,但在他那个时代,至少有两个世纪以来巴比伦的影响痕迹。由于我们无法肯定地证明喜帕恰斯使用了巴比伦的数据,因此我们不确定在他的时代是否存在直接的巴比伦影响,或者仅仅是因为他的教育。最后,我们展示了一个虚拟 3D 图像,展示了喜帕恰斯的地球可能是什么样子。由于我们无法肯定地证明喜帕恰斯使用了巴比伦的数据,因此我们不确定在他的时代是否存在直接的巴比伦影响,或者仅仅是因为他的教育。最后,我们展示了一个虚拟 3D 图像,展示了喜帕恰斯的地球可能是什么样子。由于我们无法肯定地证明喜帕恰斯使用了巴比伦的数据,因此我们不确定在他的时代是否存在直接的巴比伦影响,或者仅仅是因为他的教育。最后,我们展示了一个虚拟 3D 图像,展示了喜帕恰斯的地球可能是什么样子。