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Trends in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome hospitalization rates in the USA: an ongoing concern.
Reproductive BioMedicine Online ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2020.06.004
Keren Rotshenker-Olshinka 1 , Ahmad Badeghiesh 2 , Alexander Volodarsky-Perel 1 , Naama Steiner 1 , Eva Suarthana 2 , Michael H Dahan 1

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a serious, almost exclusively, iatrogenic complication of ovarian stimulation. Many techniques have been developed over the past 25 years to decrease OHSS risks, and most have been in common use for 15–20 years. In view of these techniques, it could be hypothesized that severe OHSS rates would decrease or almost disappear. According to the US National ART Surveillance System, rates did not change significantly between 2000 and 2009, at 106 OHSS cases per 10,000 IVF cycles annually. In the present study, OHSS-related hospital admissions were evaluated to establish whether a decline has occurred in OHSS admissions since the development of preventative strategies. A retrospective-population-based study was conducted using data from the Health-Care Cost and Utilization Project-Nationwide-Inpatient-Sample database between 2004 and 2014 inclusively. Between 2004 and 2008, admissions of OHSS decreased in absolute numbers and rates; however, these statistics plateaued, remaining stable between 2008 and 2014. Despite this, OHSS remains a concern and is clearly not a disease of the past. The financial burden of OHSS hospitalizations likely persists. Although techniques have resulted in a decrease in OHSS admissions since 2004, this change has plateaued, and therefore efforts to further reduce OHSS must continue.



卵巢过度刺激综合征 (OHSS) 是一种严重的、几乎完全是卵巢刺激的医源性并发症。在过去的 25 年中开发了许多技术来降低 OHSS 风险,并且大多数技术已经普遍使用了 15-20 年。鉴于这些技术,可以假设严重的 OHSS 率会降低或几乎消失。根据美国国家 ART 监测系统的数据,2000 年至 2009 年期间,比率没有显着变化,每年每 10,000 个 IVF 周期有 106 例 OHSS 病例。在本研究中,评估了与 OHSS 相关的入院率,以确定自制定预防策略以来 OHSS 入院率是否有所下降。使用 2004 年至 2014 年(包括 2014 年和 2014 年)医疗保健成本和利用项目全国住院样本数据库中的数据进行了一项基于人群的回顾性研究。2004 年至 2008 年间,OHSS 的入院人数和比率均有所下降;然而,这些统计数据趋于平稳,并在 2008 年至 2014 年间保持稳定。尽管如此,OHSS 仍然令人担忧,而且显然不是过去的疾病。OHSS 住院的经济负担可能持续存在。尽管自 2004 年以来技术导致 OHSS 入院率下降,但这种变化已经趋于平稳,因此必须继续努力进一步减少 OHSS。尽管如此,OHSS 仍然是一个问题,而且显然不是过去的疾病。OHSS 住院的经济负担可能持续存在。尽管自 2004 年以来技术导致 OHSS 入院率下降,但这种变化已经趋于平稳,因此必须继续努力进一步减少 OHSS。尽管如此,OHSS 仍然是一个问题,而且显然不是过去的疾病。OHSS 住院的经济负担可能持续存在。尽管自 2004 年以来技术导致 OHSS 入院率下降,但这种变化已经趋于平稳,因此必须继续努力进一步减少 OHSS。
