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In vitro somatic embryogenesis from immature female flower of Musa AAB cv. Chenichampa and molecular analysis of transcript factors (TFs) during somatic embryogenesis
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s11240-020-01866-7
Nandhakumar Natarajan , Sathish Sundararajan , C. P. Suresh , Sathishkumar Ramalingam

Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a process where somatic embryos can form differentiated tissues and regenerate into new plants. Efficient SE and liquid culture system for large-scale production of banana cv. Chenichampa is presented. The embryo maturation media (M3) was modified with different organic additives and high-frequency somatic embryos were observed in M3 media supplemented with CH: Gln (100:150 mg/L) resulting in a tenfold increase in somatic embryo formation as compared to the control. The generated plantlets were hardened and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with SSR primers were used to confirm the genetic fidelity of the plantlets. To understand the molecular mechanism of SE, expression patterns of transcript factors (TFs) in respect of embryogenic calli (EC) and embryogenic cell suspension (ECS) was also studied. Transcript factor (TF) such as BBM has been reported to play a significant part in converting explants to EC. The higher expression of TFs MaBBM1, MaBBM2, MaWUS2, and MaVP1 in the EC and MaBBM2 and MaWUS2 in ECS, suggested that these genes could play a crucial role in SE. The protocol developed in this commercially important banana cv. Chenichampa could be highly useful for large-scale micropropagation and genetic manipulation studies which can be adapted to other cultivars lacking in male flowers.


Musa AAB cv未成熟雌花的体外体细胞胚发生。体细胞胚胎发生过程中的藜和转录因子(TFs)的分子分析

体细胞胚发生(SE)是一个过程,其中体细胞胚可以形成分化的组织并再生为新植物。高效的SE和液体培养系统,可大量生产香蕉简历。出现了Chenichampa。胚胎成熟培养基(M3)用不同的有机添加剂修饰,并且在补充CH:Gln(​​100:150 mg / L)的M3培养基中观察到高频体细胞胚,导致体细胞胚形成量增加了十倍。控制。将产生的小苗硬化,并使用带有SSR引物的聚合酶链反应(PCR)确认小苗的遗传保真度。为了了解SE的分子机制,还研究了转录因子(TFs)的胚发生愈伤组织(EC)和胚发生细胞悬浮液(ECS)的表达模式。据报道,BBM在将外植体转化为EC方面起着重要作用。转录因子的表达更高MaBBM1MaBBM2MaWUS2MaVP1在EC和MaBBM2MaWUS2在ECS,表明这些基因可以发挥SE至关重要的作用。该协议是在这个具有商业意义的香蕉简历中开发的。藜科在大规模微繁殖和遗传操作研究中可能非常有用,这些研究可适应于其他缺少雄花的品种。
