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The Potential for Decision Support Tools to Improve the Management of Root-Feeding Fly Pests of Vegetables in Western Europe.
Insects ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-13 , DOI: 10.3390/insects11060369
Rosemary Collier 1 , Dominique Mazzi 2 , Annette Folkedal Schjøll 3 , Quentin Schorpp 4 , Gunda Thöming 3 , Tor J Johansen 3 , Richard Meadow 5 , Nicolai V Meyling 6 , Anne-Marie Cortesero 7 , Ute Vogler 4 , Michael T Gaffney 8 , Martin Hommes 4

Several important vegetable crops grown outdoors in temperate climates in Europe can be damaged by the root-feeding larvae of Diptera (Delia radicum, Delia floralis, Chamaepsila rosae, Delia platura, Delia florilega, Delia antiqua). Knowledge of pest insect phenology is a key component of any Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy, and this review considers the methods used to monitor and forecast the occurrence of root-feeding flies as a basis for decision-making by growers and the ways that such information can be applied. It has highlighted some current management approaches where such information is very useful for decision support, for example, the management of C. rosae with insecticidal sprays and the management of all of these pests using crop covers. There are other approaches, particularly those that need to be applied at sowing or transplanting, where knowledge of pest phenology and abundance is less necessary. Going forward, it is likely that the number of insecticidal control options available to European vegetable growers will diminish and they will need to move from a strategy which often involves using a single ‘silver bullet’ to a combination of approaches/tools with partial effects (applied within an IPM framework). For the less-effective, combined methods, accurate information about pest phenology and abundance and reliable decision support are likely to be extremely important.



几个重要的蔬菜作物在欧洲温带室外种植可以通过双翅目根喂养幼虫(被损坏迪莉娅radicum,迪莉娅floralis,Chamaepsila蔷薇迪莉娅platura迪莉娅florilega迪莉娅 )。害虫昆虫物候方面的知识是任何病虫害综合治理(IPM)策略的关键组成部分,本次审查考虑了用于监测和预测根饲蝇的发生的方法,作为种植者决策的基础以及这样的信息可以被应用。它突出了当前的一些管理方法,其中,这些信息对于决策支持非常有用,例如,管理C.蔷薇使用杀虫喷雾剂和使用农作物覆盖物治理所有这些害虫。还有其他方法,特别是在播种或移栽时需要使用的方法,这样对害虫物候和丰度的了解就较少了。展望未来,欧洲蔬菜种植者可以使用的杀虫控制选项数量可能会减少,他们需要从通常涉及使用单个“银弹”的策略转向具有部分效果的方法/工具的组合(在IPM框架中应用)。对于效果较差的组合方法,有关虫害物候和丰度的准确信息以及可靠的决策支持可能非常重要。