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Cereal Chemistry ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-13 , DOI: 10.1002/cche.10309

In (Alzuwaid, Sissons, Laddomada, & Fellows, 2019), there is an error in Table 1 in which the values are incorrect. A corrected Table 1 is presented here.

TABLE 1. Phytosterol content of the durum wheat fine bran and WBPC from GC‐MS profiles and total phytosterol content (mg/g)
Phytosterol fraction Durum wheat fine bran WBPC
Campesterol 0.31a 1.58a
Campestanol 0.30a 1.38a
Stigmasterol 0.05a 0.18b
ß‐sitosterol 0.82a 4.19b
Sitostanol 0.28a 1.13a
∆5‐avenasterol 0.13a 0.55a
Total 1.88a 9.01b


  • Numbers with the same letter in each row are not significantly different, p  < .05.

Additionally, the updates to Table 1 have necessitated the following changes to the text:

  1. In the abstract section, under the sub‐heading Findings, the values in the line 6 should be changed to “9.01 vs. 1.88.”
  2. In page 308, column 2, under section 3.2 phytosterol content, line 9, phytosterol content of wheat bran was “1.88” mg/g.
  3. In page 309, column 1, line 4, the phytosterol content should be “9.01” mg/g.
  4. In page 309, column 2, line 8, the value of phytostanol contents of WBPC should be “2.51” mg/g.
  5. In page 309, column 2, line 9, the value of wheat bran should be “0.58” mg/g.
  6. In page 309, column 2, line 15, the stanol ratios in wheat bran and WBPC should be “2.21” and “2.60.”
  7. In page 310, column 1, line 9, the excess value per typical pasta serve should be “45” mg.

We apologize for these errors.




表1.从GC-MS资料中得到的硬质小麦细麸和WBPC的植物甾醇含量和总植物甾醇含量(mg / g)
植物固醇部分 硬质小麦麸皮 世界银行
菜油甾醇 0.31a 1.58a
樟脑醇 0.30a 1.38a
豆甾醇 0.05a 0.18b
β-谷固醇 0.82a 4.19b
骨甾烷醇 0.28a 1.13a
∆5-燕麦甾醇 0.13a 0.55a
1.88a 9.01b


  • 每行中具有相同字母的数字没有显着差异,p  <.05。


  1. 在摘要部分的“发现”子标题下,第6行的值应更改为“ 9.01 vs. 1.88”。
  2. 在第308页第2栏第3.2节第9行的植物甾醇含量下,麦麸的植物甾醇含量为“ 1.88” mg / g。
  3. 在第309页第1栏第4行中,植物甾醇含量应为“ 9.01” mg / g。
  4. 在第309页第2栏第8行中,WBPC中植物甾烷醇含量的值应为“ 2.51” mg / g。
  5. 在第309页第2栏第9行中,麦麸的值应为“ 0.58” mg / g。
  6. 在第309页第2栏第15行中,麦麸和WBPC中的甾烷醇比应为“ 2.21”和“ 2.60”。
  7. 在第310页第1栏第9行中,每份典型面食的超值应为“ 45” mg。

