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An automated implementation of hybrid cloud for performance evaluation of distributed databases
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2020.102740
Yaser Mansouri , Victor Prokhorenko , M. Ali Babar

A Hybrid cloud is an integration of resources between private and public clouds. It enables users to horizontally scale their on-premises infrastructure up to public clouds in order to improve performance and cut up-front investment cost. This model of applications deployment is called cloud bursting that allows data-intensive applications especially distributed database systems to have the benefit of both private and public clouds. In this work, we present an automated implementation of a hybrid cloud using (i) a robust and zero-cost Linux-based VPN to make a secure connection between private and public clouds, and (ii) Terraform as a software tool to deploy infrastructure resources based on the requirements of hybrid cloud. We also explore performance evaluation of cloud bursting for six modern and distributed database systems on the hybrid cloud spanning over local OpenStack and Microsoft Azure. Our results reveal that MongoDB and MySQL Cluster work efficient in terms of throughput and operations latency if they burst into a public cloud to supply their resources. In contrast, the performance of Cassandra, Riak, Redis, and Couchdb reduces if they significantly leverage their required resources via cloud bursting.



混合云是私有云和公共云之间资源的集成。它使用户能够将其内部部署基础结构水平扩展到公共云,以提高性能并削减前期投资成本。这种应用程序部署模型称为云爆发,它允许数据密集型应用程序(尤其是分布式数据库系统)同时享受私有云和公共云的好处。在这项工作中,我们展示了一种混合云的自动化实现,该混合云使用(i)强大且零成本的基于Linux的VPN在私有云和公共云之间建立安全连接,以及(ii)Terraform作为部署基础架构的软件工具资源基于混合云的要求。我们还将探讨跨本地OpenStack和Microsoft Azure的混合云上六个现代和分布式数据库系统的云爆发的性能评估。我们的结果表明,如果MongoDB和MySQL Cluster爆发到公共云中以提供资源,则它们在吞吐量和操作延迟方面可以高效工作。相比之下,Cassandra,Riak,Redis和Couchdb的性能如果通过云爆发大量利用其所需的资源,则会降低性能。
