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Advances in anaerobic membrane bioreactor technology for municipal wastewater treatment: A 2020 updated review
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews ( IF 15.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.109936
S. Vinardell , S. Astals , M. Peces , M.A. Cardete , I. Fernández , J. Mata-Alvarez , J. Dosta

The application of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) for mainstream municipal sewage treatment is almost ready for full-scale implementation. However, some challenges still need to be addressed to make AnMBR technically and economically feasible. This article presents an updated review of five challenges that currently hinder the implementation of AnMBR technology for mainstream sewage treatment: (i) membrane fouling, (ii) process configuration, (iii) process temperature, (iv) sewage sulphate concentration, and (v) sewage low organics concentration. The gel layer appears to be the main responsible for membrane fouling and flux decline being molecules size and morphology critical properties for its formation. The review also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of five novel AnMBR configurations aiming to optimise fouling control. These include the integration of membrane technology with CSTR or upflow digesters, and the utilisation of scouring particles. Psychrophilic temperatures and high sulphate concentrations are two other limiting factors due to their impact on methane yields and membrane performance. Besides the methane dissolved in the effluent and the competition for organic matter between sulphate reducing bacteria and methanogens, the review examines the impact of temperature on microbial kinetics and community, and their combined effect on AnMBR performance. Finally, the review evaluates the possibility to pre-concentrate municipal sewage by forward osmosis. Sewage pre-concentration is an opportunity to reduce the volumetric flow rate and the dissolved methane losses. Overall, the resolution of these challenges requires a compromise solution considering membrane filtration, anaerobic digestion performance and economic feasibility.



厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)在主流市政污水处理中的应用几乎准备全面实施。但是,要使AnMBR在技术和经济上可行,仍需要解决一些挑战。本文介绍了当前阻碍主流污水处理使用AnMBR技术的五个挑战的最新综述:(i)膜污染,(ii)工艺配置,(iii)工艺温度,(iv)污水硫酸盐浓度和(v )污水中有机物浓度低。凝胶层似乎是造成膜结垢和通量下降的主要因素,而通量下降是形成膜的分子大小和形态学关键特性。审查还讨论了旨在优化结垢控制的五种新颖的AnMBR配置的优缺点。这些措施包括将膜技术与CSTR或上流式蒸煮器相集成,以及使用洗涤颗粒。嗜酸性温度和高硫酸盐浓度是另外两个限制因素,因为它们会影响甲烷产量和膜性能。除了溶解在废水中的甲烷以及减少硫酸盐的细菌和产甲烷菌之间的有机物竞争外,本综述还研究了温度对微生物动力学和群落的影响,以及它们对AnMBR性能的综合影响。最后,该评估评估了通过正向渗透对市政污水进行预浓缩的可能性。污水预浓缩是减少体积流量和溶解甲烷损失的机会。总体,
