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Integrating combined task and motion planning with compliant control
International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications Pub Date : 2020-06-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s41315-020-00136-1
Hao Chen , Juncheng Li , Weiwei Wan , Zhifeng Huang , Kensuke Harada

Motion planning for inserting pegs remains an open problem. The difficulty lies in both the inevitable errors in the grasps of a robotic hand and absolute position errors in serial robotic manipulators. This paper proposes an integral method to solve the problem. The method uses combined task and motion planning to generate grasps and motions for a dual-arm robot to pick up objects and move them to assembly poses. Then, it controls the dual-arm robot using a compliant strategy (a combination of linear search, spiral search, and impedance control) to finish up the insertion. The method is implemented on a dual-arm Universal Robots 3 robot. Six objects, including a connector with fifteen peg-in-hole pairs for detailed analysis and other five objects with different contours of pegs and holes for additional validation, were tested by the robot. Experimental results show reasonable force-torque signal changes and end-effector position changes. The proposed method exhibits high robustness and high fidelity in successfully conducting planned peg-in-hole tasks.



插入钉子的运动计划仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。困难在于机器人手的抓握中不可避免的错误以及串行机器人机械手中的绝对位置错误。本文提出了一种整体方法来解决该问题。该方法使用任务和动作组合计划,为双臂机器人生成抓取和动作,以拾取对象并将其移动到装配姿势。然后,它使用顺应性策略(线性搜索,螺旋搜索和阻抗控制的组合)控制双臂机器人以完成插入。该方法在双臂Universal Robots 3机器人上实现。机器人对六个对象进行了测试,其中包括带有十五对销钉孔的连接器以进行详细分析,另外五个对象具有不同的销钉和孔轮廓以进行额外的验证。实验结果表明合理的力转矩信号变化和末端执行器位置变化。所提出的方法在成功地执行计划中的钉入孔任务中显示出高鲁棒性和高保真度。