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Embryonic development and fecundity of the red deep-sea crab Chaceon quinquedens (Smith, 1879) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Geryonidae) in the Mid-Atlantic Bight determined by image analysis
Journal of Crustacean Biology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jcbiol/ruaa017
Stephanie Martínez-Rivera 1 , Bradley G Stevens 1

The red deep-sea crab, Chaceon quinquedens (Smith, 1879), has been harvested from the US Atlantic continental shelf since the 1970s, but knowledge about its biology is extremely limited. We describe the stages and seasonality of embryonic development and determine size-specific fecundity for C. quinquedens in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Samples were collected by trawling aboard research vessels in 2012–2013, and from traps aboard commercial fishing vessels in 2014–2016. Four stages of embryonic development were described: 1) early development, 2) mid-development, 3) late development, and 4) hatching. A relationship between embryonic development stage and egg-mass color was observed. A brooding cycle was proposed after analyzing seasonal changes in the stages of embryonic development. Fecundity was estimated by using an automated imaging method for egg samples during stage 1 and 2. The estimates of fecundity, the number of eggs per brood, ranged from 34,691 to 324,729 for females between 62.6 and 106.2 mm in carapace length (CL). The linear regression showed a positive correlation between fecundity and female body size in CL (R2 = 0.56). This study provides information on reproductive parameters needed to improve fisheries management.


用图像分析确定大西洋中部红色深海螃蟹Chaceon quinquedens(Smith,1879)(Decapoda:Brachyura:Geryonidae)的胚胎发育和繁殖力

自1970年代以来,红色深海螃蟹Chaceon quinquedens(史密斯,1879年)是从美国大西洋大陆架上收获的,但是有关其生物学的知识极为有限。我们描述了胚胎发育的阶段和季节性,并确定了西洋参的大小特定的繁殖力在大西洋中部地区。在2012–2013年通过在研究船上进行拖网捕捞收集了样本,并在2014–2016年从商用渔船上的诱捕装置中收集了样本。描述了胚胎发育的四个阶段:1)早期发育,2)中期发育,3)晚期发育和4)孵化。观察到胚胎发育阶段与卵质颜色之间的关系。在分析了胚胎发育阶段的季节性变化之后,提出了一个育雏周期。通过使用自动成像方法对第1阶段和第2阶段的卵样本进行产卵估计。对于甲壳长度(CL)在62.6和106.2毫米之间的雌性,产卵率(即每个育卵的卵数)范围从34,691到324,729。线性回归显示生殖力和女性体重呈正相关(RR2 = 0.56)。这项研究提供了有关改善渔业管理所需的生殖参数的信息。