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Mental health disorders and utilization of mental healthcare services in United Nations personnel
Global Mental Health ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.1017/gmh.2019.29
Adam D Brown 1, 2 , Katharina Schultebraucks 1 , Meng Qian 1 , Meng Li 1 , Danny Horesh 1, 3 , Carol Siegel 1 , Yosef Brody 4 , Abdalla Mansour Amer 4, 5 , Rony Kapel Lev-Ari 3 , Francis Mas 1, 4 , Charles R Marmar 1 , Jillann Farmer 4

Background United Nations (UN) personnel address a diverse range of political, social, and cultural crises throughout the world. Compared with other occupations routinely exposed to traumatic stress, there remains a paucity of research on mental health disorders and access to mental healthcare in this population. To fill this gap, personnel from UN agencies were surveyed for mental health disorders and mental healthcare utilization. Methods UN personnel (N = 17 363) from 11 UN entities completed online measures of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), major depressive disorder (MDD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma exposure, mental healthcare usage, and socio-demographic information. Results Exposure to one or more traumatic events was reported by 36.2% of survey responders. Additionally, 17.9% screened positive for GAD, 22.8% for MDD, and 19.9% for PTSD. Employing multivariable logistic regressions, low job satisfaction, younger age (<35 years of age), greater length of employment, and trauma exposure on or off-duty was significantly associated with all the three disorders. Among individuals screening positive for a mental health disorder, 2.05% sought mental health treatment within and 10.01% outside the UN in the past year. Conclusions UN personnel appear to be at high risk for trauma exposure and screening positive for a mental health disorder, yet a small percentage screening positive for mental health disorders sought treatment. Despite the mental health gaps observed in this study, additional research is needed, as these data reflect a large sample of convenience and it cannot be determined if the findings are representative of the UN.



背景 联合国 (UN) 人员应对世界各地的各种政治、社会和文化危机。与其他经常暴露于创伤性压力的职业相比,关于这一人群的精神健康障碍和获得精神保健的研究仍然很少。为了填补这一空白,联合国机构的人员接受了精神健康障碍和精神卫生保健利用情况调查。方法 联合国人员(ñ= 17 363) 来自 11 个联合国实体完成了广泛性焦虑症 (GAD)、重度抑郁症 (MDD)、创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD)、创伤暴露、心理保健使用和社会人口信息的在线测量。结果 36.2% 的调查响应者报告接触过一种或多种创伤性事件。此外,17.9% 的 GAD 筛查呈阳性,22.8% 的 MDD 筛查阳性,19.9% 的 PTSD 筛查呈阳性。采用多变量逻辑回归、工作满意度低、年龄较小(<35 岁)、工作时间更长以及工作或下班时的创伤暴露与所有三种疾病显着相关。在精神健康障碍筛查呈阳性的个体中,2.05% 的人在过去一年内在联合国内部寻求心理健康治疗,10.01% 在联合国以外寻求心理健康治疗。结论 联合国人员似乎处于创伤暴露和精神健康障碍筛查阳性的高风险中,但一小部分精神健康障碍筛查阳性的人员寻求治疗。尽管在本研究中观察到了心理健康方面的差距,但仍需要进行额外的研究,因为这些数据反映了方便的大量样本,并且无法确定这些发现是否代表联合国。