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A reworked isolated deposit of the Kos Plateau Tuff and its significance for dating raised marine terraces, Kos, Greece
Geological Magazine ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-21 , DOI: 10.1017/s0016756820000254
David J.W. Piper , Georgia Pe-Piper

The 161-ka Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT) eruption deposited widespread unwelded ignimbrites, but the Dikeos and Sympetro mountains on the SE of Kos Island blocked all but the most energetic pyroclastic flows. KPT remnants north of Sympetro mountain comprise reworked tuffite containing pumice and lithic clasts that petrologically and geochemically resemble those found in KPT unit E tephra, and reworked accretionary lapilli similar to those in KPT unit F. Tuffite is found only downslope from a 375-m-high pass between the Dikeos and Sympetro mountains, which was breached at the eruption climax by pyroclastic flows that then accelerated down the 10° north slope of Sympetro. The tuffite crops out in the palaeocliffs of a prominent terrace at an elevation of 75 m, interpreted as the transgressive ravinement surface of the first interglacial marine highstand after the KPT eruption during marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e. A similar ravinement surface cuts KPT deposits in central Kos at elevations of up to 135 m and implies post-MIS 5e uplift rates of 0.7–1.0 m ka−1, confirmed by the elevation of a previously reported raised beach beneath the KPT. A Holocene raised beach on the east coast of Kos contains pumice clasts from the Yali-4 eruption at 4–3 ka. Its elevation of 2 m above sea level is consistent with the elevation of the local MIS 5e terrace. Its present erosion results from the blocking of discharge from ephemeral streams by human infrastructure. Our study provides the first integrated chronologic and neotectonic interpretation of the prominent plateau and terrace surfaces on Kos Island.



161-ka 的科斯高原凝灰岩 (KPT) 喷发沉积了广泛的未焊接火成岩,但科斯岛东南部的 Dikeos 和 Sympetro 山脉阻挡了除了最有活力的火山碎屑流之外的所有东西。Sympetro 山以北的 KPT 残余物包括重新加工的凝灰岩,其中含有浮石和岩屑碎屑,在岩石学和地球化学上类似于在 KPT 单元 E tephra 中发现的那些,以及类似于在 KPT 单元 F 中发现的重新加工的增生 lapilli。凝灰岩仅在 375 米的下坡被发现Dikeos 和 Sympetro 山脉之间的高压通道,在喷发高潮时被火山碎屑流冲破,然后加速向下 10° Sympetro 北坡。凝灰岩在海拔 75 m 的突出台地的古悬崖中生长,解释为海洋同位素阶段(MIS)5e期间KPT喷发后第一个间冰期海洋高位的海侵沟壑表面。类似的沟壑表面切割了科斯中部海拔高达 135 m 的 KPT 沉积物,并暗示 MIS 5e 后的抬升速率为 0.7-1.0 m ka-1,由先前报道的 KPT 下方凸起海滩的海拔高度证实。科斯岛东海岸的一个全新世隆起的海滩包含来自 Yali-4 喷发 4-3 ka 的浮石碎屑。其海拔 2 m 与当地 MIS 5e 阶地标高一致。它目前的侵蚀是由于人类基础设施阻塞了短暂河流的排放。我们的研究首次对科斯岛突出的高原和阶地表面进行了综合的年代学和新构造解释。