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Parental Photoperiod Affects Egg Diapause in a Montane Population of Mormon Crickets (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Environmental Entomology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvaa062
Robert B Srygley 1

Abstract Insect diapause is a state of arrested development persisting when conditions are favorable for growth. Prolonged diapause, which occurs when insects remain in diapause for multiple years, is uncommon. Mormon crickets Anabrus simplex Haldane, a katydid and pest of rangeland forage and crops, were thought to be biennial in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, but they are able to prolong diapause in the egg stage for multiple years. To test whether parental photoperiod serves as a cue to prolong diapause, mating pairs from the Bighorn Mountains were set in the same daily temperature and humidity profiles with 20 pairs on short daylength (12:12 [L:D] h) and 20 on long daylength (15:9 [L:D] h). Almost every parental pair had some undeveloped eggs after two warm periods. Females in short daylength were not more likely to have eggs with a biennial life cycle, but they were more likely than those in long daylength to lay eggs with multi-annual life cycles. Parents on short daylength were more likely to lay inviable eggs. Other fitness measures, such as hatchling mass, nymphal survivorship, and adult mass were not different between parental treatments. Diapause termination distributed over multiple years probably constitutes a bet-hedging strategy in an unpredictable environment. Graphical Abstract



摘要 昆虫滞育是在有利于生长的条件下持续存在的发育停滞状态。当昆虫滞育多年时发生的长时间滞育并不常见。摩门教蟋蟀 Anabrus simplex Haldane 是一种蝈蝈和牧场草料和农作物的害虫,被认为是怀俄明州比格霍恩山脉的两年生动物,但它们能够在卵期延长滞育多年。为了测试父母的光周期是否可以作为延长滞育的线索,来自大角山的交配对设置在相同的每日温度和湿度分布中,短日照(12:12 [L:D] h)有 20 对,长日照有 20 对日长(15:9 [L:D] h)。在两个温暖时期之后,几乎每对父母都有一些未发育的卵子。日照时间短的雌性不太可能产下具有两年生命周期的卵,但与日照长的雌性相比,它们更有可能产卵具有多年生命周期的卵。白天短的父母更有可能产下无法生存的卵。其他健康指标,如孵化质量、若虫存活率和成虫质量在父母处理之间没有差异。分布多年的滞育终止可能构成在不可预测的环境中的对冲策略。图形概要 分布多年的滞育终止可能构成在不可预测的环境中的对冲策略。图形概要 分布多年的滞育终止可能构成在不可预测的环境中的对冲策略。图形概要