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Convergence of urban forest and socio-economic indicators of resilience: A study of environmental inequality in four major cities in eastern Canada
Landscape and Urban Planning ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103856
Félix Landry , Jérôme Dupras , Christian Messier

Abstract Environmental inequality is a phenomenon drawing much attention in the scientific and policy-making debates about urban forests and city greening. Most studies on the subject have shown that socially vulnerable, multicultural neighborhoods are disproportionately affected by the lack of urban forest while richer neighborhoods tend to be greener. But are there differences in the resilience of urban forests between poor and rich neighborhoods? We tackled this question using a newly developed indicator of urban forest resilience, functional diversity, to determine if environmental injustice is also found in the resilience of urban forests in poor neighborhoods. Using Canadian census data at the census tract scale, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and urban tree inventories, this study investigated if urban forest resilience is also part of the environmental inequality phenomenon in four urban areas in eastern Canada: Toronto, Gatineau-Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City. Multivariate analysis of the dataset shows that urban forest functional diversity, used as an indicator of resilience, is inversely correlated to a set of variables associated with social vulnerability. The same relationship also exists with canopy cover; a pattern of inequality found in many cities around the world. With these findings, we show that social vulnerability and urban forest resilience are intertwined, meaning that neighborhoods already lacking urban forest are also more at risk of losing it due to a sudden environmental disturbance. When confronted with global change, considering this new insight into urban environmental inequality could be of great importance for maintaining a comfortable living environment for every city-dweller.



摘要 环境不平等是在有关城市森林和城市绿化的科学和政策制定辩论中备受关注的现象。大多数关于该主题的研究表明,社会弱势、多元文化的社区受到城市森林缺乏的不成比例的影响,而较富裕的社区往往更绿。但是,贫富社区之间的城市森林恢复力是否存在差异?我们使用新开发的城市森林恢复力、功能多样性指标来解决这个问题,以确定贫困社区的城市森林恢复力是否也存在环境不公正。使用加拿大人口普查数据、Sentinel-2 卫星图像和城市树木清单,本研究调查了城市森林恢复力是否也是加拿大东部四个城市地区环境不平等现象的一部分:多伦多、加蒂诺-渥太华、蒙特利尔和魁北克市。对数据集的多变量分析表明,用作恢复力指标的城市森林功能多样性与一组与社会脆弱性相关的变量呈负相关。与树冠盖也存在同样的关系;世界上许多城市都存在不平等现象。通过这些发现,我们表明社会脆弱性和城市森林恢复力是相互交织的,这意味着已经缺乏城市森林的社区也更有可能由于突然的环境干扰而失去它。面对全球变化,